
Shagun Sharma

Content Writer

Shagun Sharma is a content writer during the day and a binge-watcher at night. She is a seasoned writer, who has worked in various niches like digital marketing, ecommerce, video marketing, and design and development. She enjoys traveling, listening to music, and relaxing in the hills when not writing.

More From Shagun Sharma

a person pointing at a computer screen
  • Shagun Sharma
  • Aug 18, 2023
  • 12 min read

Top 10 Real-World SEO Problems: Solutions and Advice

Ever wondered why some websites pop up right away when you search, while others are lost in the crowd? In this big online world, where search engines decide what’s important, getting noticed feels like a treasure hunt. This hunt is called Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – it’s like the rules that help you be seen […]