Salesforce Journey Builder: Everything You Need To Know

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Published on: March 10, 2023 Updated on: April 09, 2024 views Icon 355 Views

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Sakshi Arora
Sakshi Arora LinkedIn

Assistant Manager- Content Marketing

Sakshi Arora is a seasoned content writer and marketer specializing in B2B topics such as marketing automation and website development. Leveraging her journalism background, she infuses her work with clarity and creativity, captivating audiences. Beyond her professional pursuits, Sakshi finds joy in writing about personal emotions, showcasing her introspective side and adding a unique touch to her portfolio.

Article Reviewed By: Rahul Saini LinkedIn

Table of Contents

In today's fast-paced business environment, creating a great product or service is no longer enough to attract and retain customers. It's all about providing a seamless and memorable customer experience that keeps them coming back for more. That's where customer journey mapping comes in.

By visualizing the various stages of a customer's interaction with a business, from initial contact to post-purchase follow-up, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers' needs, preferences, and pain points. This, in turn, helps them to create a more personalized and engaging experience that sets them apart from the competition.

And what better way to do it than salesforce journey builder. Salesforce journey builder is a powerful tool that enables businesses to create, automate, and manage customer journeys across multiple channels, all from a single platform. If you are one of those people who find salesforce journey builders daunting and have no idea how to leverage it, we are here to help!

This guide will explore everything, from the importance of personalized customer journeys in today's business landscape to marketing cloud journey builder best practices. So let’s get started. 

What Is Salesforce Journey Builder?

Salesforce journey builder allows businesses to create tailored experiences for each individual customer, engaging them at every stage of their journey, from awareness to purchase and post-purchase support.

With a customer journey builder, businesses can visualize and map out the customer journey, identify areas for improvement, and optimize the journey for greater customer satisfaction and retention. The platform allows businesses to engage with customers through a variety of channels, such as email, SMS, social media, mobile push notifications, and more, ensuring that customers receive consistent messaging across all touchpoints.

SFMC Journey Builder also provides businesses with real-time data and analytics, allowing them to track customer behavior and engagement, make data-driven decisions, and adjust the journey accordingly. This enables businesses to create a more personalized and engaging experience that sets them apart from the competition and drives growth.

Automation Studio Vs. Journey Builder: The Key Differences

Automation Studio and Journey Builder are both powerful tools within the Salesforce Marketing Cloud platform, but they serve different purposes and have distinct differences. Here are the key differences between Automation Studio and Journey Builder:


Automation Studio is primarily used for scheduling and executing a variety of automated marketing activities, such as data imports, data exports, email sends, and more. Journey Builder, on the other hand, is specifically designed for creating, automating, and managing customer journeys.

Journey creation

In Automation Studio, you create and execute a series of activities (such as sending emails, updating data, or firing events) using a flowchart. In Journey Builder, you create a single, unified journey that includes multiple channels and touchpoints, allowing you to engage with customers at every stage of their journey.

Data management

Automation Studio is designed for managing data workflows, allowing you to import, filter, and transform data. Journey Builder also includes data management features, but it focuses more on using customer data to create personalized experiences.

Automation Studio is primarily a tool for managing data and executing automated marketing activities, while customer journey builder is a tool for creating and managing personalized customer journeys across multiple channels. Both tools are important for creating effective marketing campaigns, and they can be used together to create comprehensive and personalized customer experiences.

Understanding the Customer Journey

When it comes to understanding your customers and their interactions with your brand, mapping out their journey is crucial. Customer journey mapping allows you to visualize and analyze every touchpoint and experience that a customer goes through, from initial contact to final purchase.

This process offers valuable insights into your customers' needs, preferences, and pain points. By understanding their journey, you can identify opportunities to improve their experience, engage them at the right time with the right message, and ultimately drive more conversions.

Definition and importance of customer journey mapping

Customer journey mapping is the process of documenting and analyzing the steps and interactions a customer takes throughout their relationship with your brand. This includes both online and offline touchpoints, such as website visits, social media interactions, emails, in-store visits, and customer support interactions.

Understanding the customer journey is crucial for several reasons:

  • Identifying pain points: By mapping out the customer journey, you can identify any obstacles or pain points that customers might encounter along the way. This allows you to address these issues and provide a seamless and satisfying experience.
  • Optimizing touchpoints: Mapping the customer journey helps you identify the most important touchpoints where customers make decisions or engage with your brand. By optimizing these touchpoints, you can increase customer satisfaction and conversion rates.
  • Aligning marketing efforts: Understanding the customer journey enables you to align your marketing efforts with each stage of the journey. This ensures that you deliver the right message at the right time, increasing the chances of engagement and conversions.
  • Driving customer loyalty: A positive and seamless customer journey fosters loyalty and repeat purchases. By understanding the customer journey, you can create personalized experiences that enhance customer satisfaction and strengthen their relationship with your brand.

Creating a customer journey map with Salesforce Journey Builder

Salesforce Journey Builder is a powerful tool that allows you to create and manage customer journey maps easily. With its intuitive interface and drag-and-drop functionality, you can visualize and automate your customer journeys effectively.

Using Salesforce Journey Builder, you can:

  • Define stages: Break down the customer journey into stages that align with your business objectives. This helps you identify the key milestones and touchpoints.
  • Map customer interactions: Map out customer interactions across various channels and touchpoints, such as email, mobile, social media, and website. This allows you to understand how customers engage with your brand at each stage.
  • Automate marketing actions: Automate marketing actions based on customer behavior and predefined triggers. This ensures that the right messages are delivered at the right time, improving engagement and conversions.
  • Track and measure: Track and measure the performance of your customer journeys in real time. Salesforce Journey Builder provides analytics and reporting features that help you gain insights into the effectiveness of your strategies.

By leveraging Salesforce Journey Builder, you can create comprehensive customer journey maps that drive personalized and engaging experiences for your customers.

How to Create a Customer Journey in Salesforce Journey Builder

Moving on to the part that all of you have been waiting for—creating customer journeys in SFMC journey builder. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1: Log in to your Salesforce Marketing Cloud account and navigate to Journey Builder. You can find it in the left-hand menu under the "Journey Builder" section.

Step 2: Click on the "Create New Journey" button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Step 3: Select the type of journey you want to create. For example, you can choose a "Standard Journey" if you want to build a journey from scratch, or you can choose a "Template Journey" if you want to use a pre-built template as a starting point.

Step 4: Name your journey and choose your entry source. The entry source is where your customers will enter the journey. You can choose from a variety of sources, such as email sends, web events, or API events.

Step 5: Set up your journey canvas. This is where you will create the different steps and actions that your customers will go through as they move through the journey. You can add different types of activities, such as emails, SMS messages, or social media posts, and configure them to trigger at specific times or based on specific criteria.

Step 6: Test your journey. Before you activate your journey, it's important to test it to make sure everything is working as expected. You can do this by using the "Test" button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Step 7: Activate your journey. Once you're happy with your journey and have tested it thoroughly, you can activate it by using the "Activate" button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

Enhancing Customer Engagement with Salesforce Journey Builder

A. Importance of customer engagement in modern marketing

Customer engagement is critical in modern marketing as it directly impacts brand loyalty, customer satisfaction, and ultimately, business growth. Engaged customers are more likely to make repeat purchases, refer your brand to others, and become brand advocates. With the increasing competition in the market, it's essential to prioritize and prioritize customer engagement to stay ahead.

B. Utilizing Salesforce Journey Builder to improve customer engagement

One effective tool for improving customer engagement is Salesforce Journey Builder. With its advanced capabilities for automation and personalization, Salesforce Journey Builder allows marketers to create tailored journeys for their customers. By mapping out the customer journey and delivering the right message at the right time, businesses can effectively engage with their customers and build meaningful relationships.

C. Case studies showcasing successful customer engagement campaigns

To highlight the power of Salesforce Journey Builder in enhancing customer engagement, let's explore some real-life case studies:

  • Case Study 1: XYZ Company increased customer engagement by 40% by implementing Salesforce Journey Builder. They created personalized journeys based on customer preferences and behaviors, resulting in higher customer satisfaction and repeat purchases.
  • Case Study 2: ABC Corporation used Salesforce Journey Builder to automate their onboarding process. By delivering relevant and timely messages to new customers, they achieved a 50% increase in onboarding completion rates, leading to improved customer engagement and long-term loyalty.
  • Case Study 3: DEF Enterprises implemented Salesforce Journey Builder to create personalized follow-up journeys for their leads. This approach resulted in a 30% increase in lead conversion rates and improved customer engagement throughout the sales process.

Lead Generation Strategies with Salesforce Journey Builder

Lead generation is the process of identifying and capturing potential customers for your business. It plays a crucial role in any marketing strategy, as it helps build a strong customer base and drives revenue growth. With Salesforce Journey Builder, you have a powerful tool at your disposal to create effective lead generation campaigns.

Definition and significance of lead generation

Lead generation involves attracting and converting prospects into leads, who are then nurtured into becoming customers. It is a critical aspect of any business, as it allows you to grow your customer base and increase sales. By capturing the right leads, you can target your marketing efforts more effectively and achieve higher conversion rates.

Harnessing Salesforce Journey Builder for effective lead generation

Salesforce Journey Builder provides numerous features and capabilities that can be leveraged to create effective lead generation strategies. With its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, you can easily design customer journeys tailored to specific lead generation goals.

  • Segmentation: With Salesforce Journey Builder, you can segment your audience based on various criteria such as demographics, behavior, or past interactions. This allows you to deliver personalized and targeted messaging to different segments, increasing the chances of lead conversion.
  • Automation: By incorporating automation into your lead generation campaigns, you can streamline the process and ensure timely and relevant communications. Salesforce Journey Builder allows you to automate tasks such as sending follow-up emails, triggering actions based on customer behavior, and updating lead statuses.
  • Integration: Salesforce Journey Builder seamlessly integrates with other Salesforce tools, such as Sales Cloud and Marketing Cloud, enabling you to leverage the full power of your CRM data. This integration ensures that your lead generation efforts are aligned with your overall marketing and sales strategies.

Case studies demonstrating successful lead generation campaigns

Many businesses have successfully utilized Salesforce Journey Builder to generate high-quality leads and achieve impressive results. Through innovative strategies and personalized customer journeys, they have been able to engage prospects and convert them into loyal customers.

One such case study is XYZ Company, a B2B software provider. By implementing Salesforce Journey Builder, they were able to create a lead generation campaign that targeted specific industries and pain points. Through a series of automated emails, personalized content, and targeted ads, they successfully captured leads and achieved a 30% increase in conversion rates.

Another example is ABC Corporation, a global retailer. They utilized Salesforce Journey Builder to automate their lead nurturing process and deliver highly relevant content to their prospects. By understanding customer preferences and behavior, they were able to deliver personalized recommendations and offers, resulting in a 25% increase in lead conversion.

These case studies highlight the effectiveness of Salesforce Journey Builder in driving successful lead generation campaigns and achieving tangible business outcomes.

Behavioral Tracking and Segmentation with Salesforce Journey Builder

Behavioral tracking and segmentation are crucial aspects of successful marketing. By understanding customer behavior and segmenting them accordingly, businesses can tailor their marketing efforts to target specific groups, resulting in more effective campaigns and higher conversion rates.

A. Importance of behavioral tracking and segmentation in marketing

Behavioral tracking allows businesses to monitor and analyze customer actions, such as website visits, clicks, and purchases. This data provides valuable insights into customer preferences, interests, and buying behavior. By segmenting customers based on their behavior, companies can create personalized marketing journeys that cater to individual needs and increase engagement.

B. Utilizing Salesforce Journey Builder to track customer behavior

Salesforce Journey Builder offers robust tracking capabilities, allowing businesses to collect and analyze customer data from various touchpoints. By integrating with CRM systems, websites, social media, and other marketing channels, Journey Builder gathers valuable behavioral data that helps identify patterns and predict future actions.

With Journey Builder's tracking features, businesses can gain a comprehensive view of each customer's journey and interactions with the brand. This allows marketers to understand the specific behaviors that drive engagement and conversions, enabling them to optimize their marketing strategies accordingly.

C. Strategies for segmentation and targeted marketing using Salesforce Journey Builder

Segmentation plays a vital role in creating personalized experiences for customers. With Salesforce Journey Builder, businesses can easily segment their audience based on behaviors, demographics, preferences, and more. This allows marketers to deliver highly targeted and relevant content to specific customer segments, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

  • 1. Behavioral Segmentation: By tracking customer behavior, Journey Builder enables businesses to segment their audience based on actions such as past purchases, website interactions, email opens, and more. This segmentation allows marketers to send targeted messages to customers who have shown interest in specific products or services.
  • 2. Demographic Segmentation: Journey Builder also allows businesses to segment their audience based on demographics such as age, location, gender, and income. This segmentation helps in delivering relevant content to specific customer groups, ensuring more personalized and engaging experiences.
  • 3. Preference Segmentation: By tracking customer preferences, Journey Builder enables businesses to segment their audience based on interests, product preferences, and communication preferences. This segmentation allows marketers to send tailored messages and offers that align with each customer's preferences, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

With Salesforce Journey Builder's powerful segmentation capabilities, businesses can create highly targeted marketing campaigns that resonate with their audience. By delivering personalized experiences, businesses can cultivate stronger customer relationships, drive engagement, and ultimately boost conversions.

Salesforce Journey Builder and Email Marketing

Email marketing continues to be a powerful tool for businesses to connect with their audience. With Salesforce Journey Builder, you can take your email marketing campaigns to the next level, reaching customers at the right time and with personalized content.

Leveraging Salesforce Journey Builder for email marketing campaigns

Salesforce Journey Builder allows you to create automated email campaigns that are triggered by specific customer actions or events. By mapping out the customer journey and defining various touchpoints, you can ensure that your emails are sent at the most opportune moments.

Whether it's sending a welcome email to new subscribers, following up with a personalized promotion based on customer behavior, or nurturing leads through a series of automated emails, Salesforce Journey Builder gives you the power to automate and personalize your email marketing efforts.

Integrating email marketing with Salesforce Journey Builder

One of the key strengths of Salesforce Journey Builder is its ability to integrate with other marketing platforms, including email marketing tools. By connecting your email marketing platform to Journey Builder, you can seamlessly incorporate email campaigns into your overall customer journeys.

This integration means that you can easily create and manage email content within Journey Builder, ensuring a consistent and cohesive customer experience across all marketing channels. Additionally, by leveraging the data collected in Journey Builder, you can personalize email content based on customer preferences, behaviors, and interactions.

Best practices for email marketing automation using Salesforce Journey Builder

  • Segmentation: Divide your audience into different segments based on demographics, interests, or previous interactions. This allows you to tailor your email content to specific customer groups for better engagement.
  • Personalization: Utilize customer data, such as their name, previous purchases, or browsing history, to personalize your email content. Personalized emails have been proven to drive higher open and click-through rates.
  • A/B testing: Experiment with different subject lines, email templates, or call-to-action buttons to optimize your email performance. A/B testing helps you understand what resonates best with your audience and improves your email marketing results over time.
  • Automation rules: Set up automation rules within Journey Builder to trigger emails based on specific customer actions or behaviors. This ensures that your emails are sent at the right time and increases the chances of conversion.
  • Monitoring and analysis: Regularly monitor your email campaigns' performance through analytics provided by both your email marketing platform and Salesforce Journey Builder. This allows you to track key metrics, identify areas for improvement, and optimize your email marketing strategy.

By following these best practices and leveraging the capabilities of Salesforce Journey Builder, you can elevate your email marketing efforts, enhance customer engagement, and drive better results for your business.

That's it! By following these steps, you can create a customer journey in Salesforce Journey Builder. 


In conclusion, Salesforce Journey Builder is a powerful tool for modern marketers, offering a wide range of features and capabilities to enhance customer engagement and drive sales. Throughout this content, we have explored various aspects of Salesforce Journey Builder, from understanding the customer journey to leveraging marketing automation and personalizing customer experiences.

By using Salesforce Journey Builder, marketers can effectively generate leads, implement multichannel marketing campaigns, and make data-driven decisions. The tool enables behavioral tracking and segmentation, allowing for personalized and targeted marketing efforts.

To achieve success with customer journey mapping and Salesforce Journey Builder, companies should start by gathering data about their customers and analyzing that data to identify pain points and areas for improvement. They should then use that information to create a customer journey map and develop a plan for implementing personalized messaging and content across multiple channels. It is also important to continually monitor and refine the customer journey to ensure it remains relevant and effective over time.

Need help setting up customer journeys in SFMC journey builder? Our team of Salesforce experts have got you covered! Talk to us at or give us a call at our toll-free number +1 855-693-4769

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