Chhavinav Sehgal

Tech Lead

Chhavinav Sehgal, a Tech Lead with 10 years of experience, specializes in Shopify development, custom apps, PHP, Angular, WordPress, jQuery, and CodeIgniter. An engineering graduate from CBSE.

More From Chhavinav Sehgal

a man sitting at a laptop
  • Chhavinav Sehgal
  • Jun 3, 2022
  • 11 min read

Leveraging Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Services for Enterprise Success

Marketers are early adopters of technology, with studies claiming that an average enterprise uses at least 120 Martech solutions. Despite that, marketers still find it challenging to produce an omnichannel and personalized user experience. The reason? These tools work in silos. Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) overcomes this challenge by efficiently delivering personalized digital experiences to […]