5 Tips How Mompreneurs Can Strike Work-Life Balance This Mother’s Day

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Published on: May 7, 2022 Updated on: June 28, 2024 views Icon 767 Views

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Rahul Sindhwani
Rahul Sindhwani LinkedIn

VP - Operations

Rahul carries 20+ years of rich global experience in product development, web & mobile applications, marketing automation tools, Healthcare software, and various enterprise-level solutions. Throughout his career, Rahul has served more than 350 clients, including Fortune 500 companies. He is a dynamic leader with a strong EQ and a business consultant who has helped companies grow and expand to new markets.

Article Reviewed By: Taran Nandha LinkedIn

Table of Contents

Mothers are multitaskers…

While this is true, working mothers face a lot of challenges. From nurturing their children to managing household chores, from starting a business to managing one, moms do not have it easy. 

Many of the skills that new business founders take years to master are already part of a mother’s toolkits since the birth of their children.

Being a mompreneur is not about working harder anymore, it is about working smarter. And how do you do that? By automating tasks for your daily life and for your business, rather than doing it all by yourself. This Mother’s day, let’s take you through 5 tips that will make your life as a mom easier, special, and more relaxed. 

5 Tips for Working Moms to Maintain Work-Life Balance

The new goal for everyone in the business sector today is to achieve an optimal work-life balance. Mompreneurs face this difficulty more frequently than others since they have two full-time jobs: their family and their business. But here's what you can do:

1. Create a Schedule and Stick to It

You can't afford to waste time planning, sorting, or organizing because every minute of your day is valuable. These are the tasks that should be completed a day, a week, or a month ahead of time. A lackluster routine reduces your productivity and consumes a significant amount of time. So, plan ahead of time how you'll carry out your tasks and then work accordingly.

2. Avoid Overlapping Family and Work

The key is to stay focused! Women are multitaskers, yet it can divert their focus away from the task at hand and cause a disruption in the balance between work and family life. So, unless there is an emergency, it is critical to draw a line between work and home. Keep your work and family hours separate and stay totally engaged in what you're doing at the moment

3. Indulge in Self-Care

Self-care entails disconnecting from everything. Connect with things that make you feel restored away from work, kids, friends, and husbands. For enjoyment, read a book. Draw an image. Practice yoga. Take a stroll. Massage for relaxation. Sleep!

The demands on mompreneurs never stop, and for some, they go on until the early morning hours, only to start all over again the next day. You can't pour from an empty cup, and your family (first) and clients (second) deserve better than a tired, stressed-out, and overworked you. Plan for self-care and stick to the commitment you've made to yourself—your quality of life will improve dramatically.

4. Set Working Hours

Many mompreneurs discover the best time to work is after the kids are asleep. Time can slip very easily if you do not set working hours. If your clients know that they can get a response from you at any hour of the day, you will always find yourself working. While there are certain times when you need to put out fires at work, most of the things can wait until scheduled working hours. 

5. Automate Your Processes

Here comes the best part. As a mompreneur, you can and you must automate certain processes for your business and save a good amount of time and energy. Successfully managing a lead pipeline is a demanding task that takes a lot of time. This can be made much easier using some proven marketing automation tools and CRM software. 

Further, utilize social media sites to keep clients informed about upcoming events, new products, and services. Therefore, keep a seamless and easy relationship with your customers while also freeing up some time to focus on other aspects of the business and your home.

Wrapping Up

Both running a business and your household errands as a mother need full attention. Therefore, being a mompreneur is a job that requires a lot of automation to create a balance between the two tasks. Whether you want to automate your sales, customer service, or billing, there are a lot of options you can choose from to manage your home duties more efficiently. 

If you are one of the mompreneurs who are having a slight problem streamlining your tasks, Growth Natives is here to help. We can’t go grocery shopping for you but can surely help you automate your business processes. Connect with us!

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