Shahzad Musawwir

Choosing the Right Digital Advertising Pricing Model

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Published on: February 19, 2021 Updated on: July 12, 2024 views Icon 1526 Views

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Shahzad Musawwir
Shahzad Musawwir LinkedIn

Manager - Digital Marketing & Analytics

Shahzad Mussawir, currently managing the Digital Marketing team, holds 7 years of experience and expertise in PPC, data analytics, SEO, MarTech consulting, ABM, and product management. His leadership and project management skills are unparalleled in managing teams and clients. With his accountable and influential leadership, Shahzad helps the team grow and deliver its best to the clients.

Table of Contents

The digital advertising industry has taken the online world by storm. When you are ready to launch your first advertising campaign, every outlet will offer you a different pricing model based on certain metrics. 

Years ago, there were only two advertising models known to advertisers, namely CPC and CPM. To date, dozens of them have emerged out of attempts to market better. Each advertiser will calculate the price in their own way, depending on their budgeting strategy.   

6 Digital Advertising Pricing Models You Should Know

The following infographic lists six different advertising pricing models and how each of them works. Learning about each of the digital advertising pricing models, you can choose the one best suited for your business. 

Do tell us about the digital advertising pricing model that you think is the most efficient in the comments below!

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