Sameer Pawar

Director Growth Marketing

Sameer, with 20+ years in B2B/B2C, focuses on extracting clear, actionable insights from big data, driven by a passion for understanding Google's endless queries.

More From Sameer Pawar

a person sitting at a computer
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Jul 2, 2021
  • 20 min read

Top Things To Consider When Developing an eCommerce Website For Your Business

eCommerce has significantly transformed the retail sector in recent years. Today, the number of people preferring online retail has undoubtedly increased to a new high, with the global eCommerce market likely to touch $4.89 trillion in 2021. The question is, what does an eCommerce website development take to become an ROI machine? An eCommerce website […]

a person standing next to a computer screen
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Jun 11, 2021
  • 9 min read

6 Pain Points of eCommerce Store Managers and How to Eliminate Them

The ecommerce sector has transformed itself from a cutting-edge transactional space to one of the most critical business platforms.  “Ecommerce isn’t the cherry on the cake, it’s the new cake.” – Jean Paul Ago CEO L’Oreal Therefore, a planned approach for an eCommerce business is necessary to ensure smooth functioning. Online companies are migrating from […]

a man sitting on a bench using a laptop
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Apr 8, 2021
  • 19 min read

Top Challenges in B2B Marketing & How to Resolve Them?

An Insider’s Guide to Overcoming B2B Marketing Challenges Are you struggling to crack the code of successful B2B marketing? Discover the hidden challenges that companies face in the fast-paced world of B2B marketing and how overcoming them can fuel your business’s growth. B2B marketing challenges refer to the obstacles and hurdles that businesses encounter when […]

a person sitting on a bean bag with a laptop
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Mar 9, 2021
  • 22 min read

How to Improve Your Ecommerce Website

Looking for the six infinity stones to improve the performance of your ecommerce website in just a snap? But there is no shortcut to success, eh?  So let’s forget the ‘Thanos’ way of doing things, and discuss the tips and tricks that will take a little time but help you scale your ecommerce business eventually.  […]

Two person talking to each other about Marketing Podcasts For Marketers
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Mar 4, 2021
  • 27 min read

Excellent Marketing Podcasts For Marketers

Unleash the Potential of Marketing Podcasts Embark on a journey of learning and motivation, with marketing podcasts. These captivating audio treasures have become a tool for marketers aiming to stay on the curve and enhance their skills in a constantly evolving industry. Whether you’re an expert or a newcomer, the realm of marketing tuning into […]

a laptop with a screen and icons
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Feb 25, 2021
  • 15 min read

See How HubSpot is Nailing the 7Ps of Marketing Mix

The Marketing Mix is the key foundation for modern marketing strategies and business activities. It is more of a tool that helps marketers determine a brand’s offering. The Marketing Mix concept was first introduced around the 1960s by Neil H. Borden, where he described business executives as mixers of ingredients. However, it is today a […]

a man holding a paper touches a pie chart on a large digital, showing is your marketing agency true to you?
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Feb 2, 2021
  • 23 min read

Is Your Marketing Agency True to You?

Why Every Business Should Consider Working, with a Marketing Agency In today’s business environment having the support of a marketing agency can be extremely valuable. Whether you’re a business owner or an experienced entrepreneur, understanding and harnessing the power of marketing can have an impact on your success. In this article we will explore what […]

a person sitting on a bench using a laptop
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Jan 20, 2021
  • 11 min read

Top 12 Features to Have for Salesforce B2B Ecommerce Checkout Pages

Are you looking for a game-changing sales and marketing tool to elevate your B2B business? Look no further than Salesforce B2B Ecommerce Checkout! With its robust features and seamless functionality, this platform is designed to optimize your checkout process and drive undeniable results. In the world of B2B sales, a smooth and efficient checkout process […]

a person pointing at a screen on the play button represents Video Marketing Tools
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Dec 23, 2020
  • 12 min read

12 Best Video Marketing Tools You Must Need

The latest digital marketing trends confirm that almost 92% of people across the globe watch videos online every day. By early 2024, most of the internet traffic will solely be video. Videos are revolutionizing the way we market. With the effectiveness of traditional marketing dwindling and the popularity of videos increasing, they have become a […]

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