Choosing Between Eloqua and Salesforce Marketing Cloud: An In-Depth Analysis

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Published on: July 5, 2023 Updated on: July 09, 2024 views Icon 1053 Views

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  • Eloqua

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Gaurav Rajpoot
Gaurav Rajpoot LinkedIn

Sr. Director - MarTech

Gaurav Raajput, with 15 years of experience, specializes in B2B marketing, campaign management, marketing automation (Marketo, HubSpot, Eloqua), and sales operations (SFDC admin, custom apps). He excels in SQL, CRM integration, database management, reporting, and SDLC. His expertise includes lead nurturing, data warehousing, customer targeting, and financial reporting. Gaurav's specialties are MS CRM 3.0, business process analysis, data mining, and marketing strategy.

Article Reviewed By: Rahul Sharma LinkedIn

Table of Contents

In the constantly changing marketing landscape, businesses seek effective solutions to enhance their marketing strategies. Eloqua and Salesforce Marketing Cloud have emerged as popular systems with robust features for streamlining operations and improving client interactions. To make an informed decision on which platform best suits their needs, understanding the nuances and differences is crucial. 

This blog post offers a comprehensive comparison of Eloqua and Salesforce Marketing Cloud, delving into their key features, strengths, weaknesses, marketing automation, email marketing, lead management, and analytics. By the end, readers will gain insights to confidently choose the platform aligning with their marketing goals.


First up is Eloqua, a marketing automation tool that is now owned by Oracle. Eloqua is a powerful tool for helping marketers like you to design and manage effective marketing campaigns. Eloqua's complete toolset enables you to provide tailored experiences at scale, nurture leads, and obtain useful insights about campaign effectiveness. 

Eloqua has you covered for everything from lead scoring and email marketing to campaign automation and rich reporting. Did we mention its exceptional segmentation capabilities? That's correct! Eloqua enables you to target particular consumer categories with customized communications to increase engagement.

Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Let us talk about Salesforce Marketing Cloud, a cloud-based marketing platform created by Salesforce, a renowned customer relationship management (CRM) firm. This sophisticated platform provides marketers with a one-stop solution for managing customer journeys, engaging with your target audience across numerous media, and optimizing marketing campaigns. 

Salesforce Marketing Cloud includes email marketing, social media management, mobile messaging, advertising automation, and detailed data analytics. The icing on the cake is easy connectivity with Salesforce CRM. This implies that your sales and marketing activities can complement one another for optimal impact.

Eloqua vs. Salesforce: Making Informed Marketing Choices

1. Email Marketing:

When it comes to email marketing, both Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Eloqua offer robust features to help you create engaging campaigns. Let's take a closer look at the email marketing capabilities of each platform and compare their key features.

Email Design

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: The platform has a drag-and-drop email builder that enables you to design aesthetically appealing emails without any coding experience. It provides customizable themes as well as responsive designs to guarantee that your emails appear fantastic on any device.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua provides a versatile and user-friendly email design interface with a variety of customizable templates. For customers that seek more sophisticated customization, it also includes HTML editing possibilities.


  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud excels at personalization. You can customize emails using client data such as name, preferences, purchase history, and more. It uses its CRM connectivity to offer highly targeted and relevant information.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua also excels at personalization. It enables you to make use of client data and generate dynamic content based on customizable fields, behavioral triggers, and segmentation. This allows you to provide customized messages that are relevant to your target.


  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: One of Salesforce Marketing Cloud's primary strengths is automation. Advanced automation options available on the platform include event-triggered emails, drip marketing, and customer journey mapping. Because of its automation features, you can develop tailored and timely email sequences that nurture leads and generate conversions.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua is well-known for its powerful marketing automation features. It enables you to build sophisticated automated processes and nurturing campaigns depending on consumer behaviors and interactions. You can use Eloqua to automate lead scoring, email drip campaigns, and personalized follow-ups to keep consumers engaged throughout their journey.


  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Marketing Cloud has exceptional deliverability rates due to Salesforce's reputation and infrastructure. It follows industry best practices and offers tools for monitoring and improving email deliverability.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua also prioritizes good delivery rates. It includes capabilities like sender authentication, spam detection, and bounce management to guarantee that your emails reach the inboxes of the appropriate recipients.

2. Campaign Management

When it comes to campaign management, both Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Eloqua offer powerful tools to plan, execute, and optimize your marketing campaigns. Let's explore and compare the campaign management capabilities of each platform:

Campaign Planning

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: The platform has powerful campaign planning capabilities that allow you to specify campaign objectives, target audience segmentation, and intended outcomes. It provides simple campaign planning tools like drag-and-drop journey builders and visual workflows to help you map out the customer experience and automate campaign execution.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua has complete campaign planning tools, allowing you to set campaign objectives, target audience groups, and key performance indicators (KPIs) for your campaigns. The software has a visual campaign canvas that makes it simple to develop and manage complicated campaigns.

Automation and Scheduling

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: You can plan your campaigns to be sent at specified times or to be triggered by predetermined events using Salesforce Marketing Cloud. The platform has powerful automation tools that allow you to automate campaign execution depending on consumer activity or specified triggers, such as email sends, social network postings, and mobile messaging.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua provides powerful scheduling and automation features. Campaigns can be scheduled to be sent at specified times and dates, or they might be triggered by client actions. You can use Eloqua's automation tools to create complicated campaign processes that include email pushes, landing page experiences, and tailored follow-ups.


  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud has powerful segmentation capabilities, utilizing its CRM connectivity to segment customers based on a variety of qualities and behaviors. You can construct dynamic segments and send targeted communications to certain client groups across different channels.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua is well-known for its powerful segmentation capabilities. The platform provides a diverse set of segmentation criteria, allowing you to construct highly focused segments based on demographics, behaviors, and degrees of involvement. You can offer customized campaigns to particular audience segments using Eloqua's segmentation tools.

Multi-channel Campaign Execution

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: With Salesforce Marketing Cloud, you can run campaigns across numerous channels, such as email, SMS, social media, mobile push notifications, and advertising. The platform provides capabilities for campaign coordination and tracking across different media, guaranteeing consistent message and consumer experience.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua also offers multi-channel campaign execution, allowing you to reach out to clients via email, mobile, social media, and online. The platform integrates seamlessly with a variety of channels and resources, allowing you to deliver coordinated and tailored campaigns across many touchpoints.

3. Customer Segmentation and Personalization

Now, let's dive into the customer segmentation and personalization features of both Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Eloqua. We'll compare their capabilities in detail:

Data Segmentation

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud provides significant data segmentation capabilities because of its strong CRM connectivity. You can categorize your customer data based on demographics, preferences, purchase history, and interactions. You can construct dynamic and highly targeted client segments using the platform's powerful segmentation options.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua is well-known for its powerful segmentation capabilities. It offers a variety of parameters for segmenting your audience, such as demographics, habits, engagement levels, and custom data fields. You can generate accurate and personalized segments for your campaigns with Eloqua's extensive segmentation capabilities.

Dynamic Content

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud enables you to provide your audience with dynamic content experiences. You can design tailored emails and landing pages using its drag-and-drop content builder, which adapts to each recipient depending on their profile, actions, or preferences.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua has great dynamic content capabilities as well. Dynamic fields, graphics, and offers that alters dynamically based on recipient features or actions can be used to tailor email content. This degree of personalization enables you to provide your audience with targeted and contextually relevant material.

Targeted Messaging:

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: It enables you to deliver tailored messaging across many media. You can design tailored email campaigns, SMS messaging, social media engagement, and even smartphone push alerts. The segmentation features of the platform ensure that your messages are delivered to the appropriate audience segments.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua also offers targeted messaging capabilities. You can send tailored emails, build personalized landing pages, and communicate with your audience via social media and mobile platforms. You can provide personalized communications to certain client categories using Eloqua's segmentation tools.

4. Lead Generation and Nurturing

When it comes to lead generation and nurturing, both Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Eloqua provide robust features to help you capture, manage, and nurture leads effectively. Let's compare each individually:

Lead Scoring

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers advanced lead scoring capabilities, allowing you to assign values to leads based on their characteristics and behaviors. You can define scoring criteria and prioritize leads based on their engagement levels, demographics, interactions, and other factors. This helps you identify high-quality leads for effective targeting.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua also provides comprehensive lead-scoring features. You can assign scores to leads based on their attributes, activities, and interactions with your marketing campaigns. Eloqua's lead scoring helps you prioritize leads, identify the most engaged prospects, and focus your efforts on the most promising opportunities.

Lead Capture Forms

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers customizable lead capture forms that you can embed on your website or landing pages. These forms allow you to collect valuable lead information, such as contact details and specific preferences. The platform integrates seamlessly with your CRM system, ensuring that captured leads are automatically synced for further nurturing and follow-up.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua provides a user-friendly form builder that enables you to create custom lead capture forms without any coding skills. You can design forms that align with your branding and easily embed them on your website or landing pages. Eloqua's form builder allows for data validation and progressive profiling, ensuring you gather accurate and relevant lead information.

Lead Routing

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers lead routing capabilities that help distribute leads to the right sales representatives or teams. You can define rules and criteria for lead assignment based on attributes like geography, industry, or lead source. This ensures that leads are promptly and accurately routed to the most appropriate individuals or teams for follow-up.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua provides lead routing functionality to ensure efficient lead distribution. You can set up rules and workflows to automatically assign leads to the appropriate sales representatives based on predefined criteria. Eloqua's lead routing capabilities help streamline the lead management process and facilitate timely follow-ups.

Lead Nurturing Campaigns

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud enables you to create automated lead nurturing campaigns using its journey builder or automation studio. You can design personalized email workflows and other touchpoints to engage and nurture leads based on their interests, behaviors, and lifecycle stage. This helps build relationships, educate leads, and move them closer to conversion.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua offers comprehensive lead nurturing capabilities, allowing you to create sophisticated, multi-channel nurturing campaigns. You can set up automated workflows that deliver targeted and personalized content to leads at various stages of the buyer's journey. Eloqua's lead nurturing features enable you to guide leads through the conversion funnel and increase their engagement with your brand.

5. Analytics and Reporting

Effective analytics and reporting are essential for measuring the success of marketing campaigns. Let's evaluate the analytics and reporting capabilities of both Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Eloqua:

Campaign Performance Tracking

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud provides comprehensive campaign performance tracking features. You can monitor key metrics such as email open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and revenue generated. The platform offers real-time dashboards and reports to visualize campaign performance, allowing you to assess the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua offers robust campaign performance tracking capabilities. You can track and analyze key metrics, including email engagement, landing page conversions, form submissions, and campaign revenue. Eloqua's reporting features provide insights into campaign performance at different stages of the customer journey, enabling you to optimize your marketing strategies.

ROI Measurement

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud allows you to measure the ROI of your marketing campaigns by integrating with your CRM system. You can track revenue generated from specific campaigns and attribute it to leads and opportunities. The platform provides tools to calculate marketing ROI, helping you understand the impact of your campaigns on the bottom line.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua offers ROI measurement capabilities by providing insights into the revenue generated from marketing campaigns. You can track campaign performance and tie it to revenue using Eloqua's reporting and revenue attribution features. This allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of your marketing efforts in driving revenue growth.

Data Visualization

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers robust data visualization capabilities. You can create visually appealing dashboards and reports using customizable templates and drag-and-drop functionality. The platform provides various chart types and visualization options, enabling you to present campaign data in a meaningful and easily understandable way.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua also provides data visualization features to help you analyze and present campaign data effectively. You can create visual reports, charts, and graphs using Eloqua's intuitive interface. The platform offers customization options to tailor visualizations to your specific reporting needs.

6. Integration Capabilities

When considering marketing platforms, it's important to assess their integration capabilities with other systems and tools. Let's explore how Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Eloqua:

CRM Integration

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud, as part of the Salesforce ecosystem, provides seamless connectivity with Salesforce CRM. This connection gives you a consolidated view of your customers' data, allowing you to use CRM data for targeted marketing efforts. The connection improves cross-channel personalization by allowing for smooth data synchronization.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua has powerful CRM integration capabilities as well. While it can interact with a variety of CRM platforms, it is most closely associated with Oracle CRM systems. This interface guarantees that customer data between Eloqua and the CRM is synced, allowing for improved lead management and segmentation.

Social Media Channels

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud provides integration with major social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can manage social media campaigns, schedule posts, and track engagement metrics directly within the platform. The integration allows for seamless coordination of marketing efforts across multiple channels.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua offers social media integration features that allow you to monitor and manage social media campaigns. While it can not have as extensive a range of integrations as Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Eloqua provides key integrations with social media platforms to support your social marketing efforts.

Third-Party Applications

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers a wide range of integrations with third-party applications and tools through its AppExchange marketplace. You can integrate with popular tools for analytics, content management, e-commerce, customer service, and more. These integrations enhance the functionality and capabilities of the platform.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua provides integration options with various third-party applications and tools through its AppCloud marketplace. You can extend the functionality of Eloqua by integrating it with applications for analytics, content management, event management, and more. The marketplace offers a selection of pre-built integrations to enhance your marketing capabilities.

Data Sources

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud allows you to integrate data from multiple sources, including internal systems, external databases, and other marketing tools. You can consolidate customer data from various touchpoints to gain a comprehensive view of your audience. The platform's data integration capabilities enable you to leverage data for personalized marketing experiences.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua offers data integration capabilities to import and synchronize data from various sources. You can integrate data from CRM systems, website analytics tools, customer support platforms, and more. The platform's data integration features facilitate a holistic understanding of your customers and enable targeted marketing campaigns.

7. Pricing and Scalability

Pricing and scalability are crucial factors to consider when evaluating marketing platforms. Let's discuss the pricing models and scalability options offered by Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Eloqua.

Pricing Models

  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud typically offers pricing based on the specific needs and requirements of each customer. The pricing structure can vary depending on factors such as the number of users, the volume of contacts, the desired features, and the level of support. It is recommended to contact Salesforce or their sales representatives to obtain accurate pricing information based on your specific needs.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua also offers customized pricing based on individual customer requirements. The pricing model takes into account factors such as the number of contacts, the desired features, the level of support, and any additional services required. To get accurate pricing details for Eloqua, it is advisable to reach out to Oracle or their sales team directly.


  • Salesforce Marketing Cloud: Salesforce Marketing Cloud is known for its scalability. It can handle large volumes of data, contacts, and campaigns, making it suitable for enterprises with extensive marketing needs. The platform offers flexibility and robust infrastructure to accommodate growth and scale as your business expands.
  • Eloqua: Eloqua is designed to be scalable and can support businesses of various sizes. It can handle increasing volumes of contacts, campaigns, and data. Whether you're a small business or an enterprise, Eloqua provides the flexibility to scale your marketing operations to meet your evolving needs.
FeaturesSalesforce Marketing CloudEloqua
Email MarketingAdvanced email designPowerful email design
Personalization optionsRobust personalization
Automated email workflowsAutomated email campaigns
High deliverability ratesStrong deliverability
Campaign ManagementComprehensive planningEfficient campaign planning
Flexible schedulingStreamlined scheduling
Advanced segmentationRobust segmentation
Multi-channel executionMulti-channel capabilities
Customer Segmentation and PersonalizationEffective data segmentationDynamic content options
Personalized messagingTargeted messaging
Customizable experiencesExtensive personalization
Dynamic content optionsEffective data segmentation
Lead Generation and NurturingLead scoring capabilitiesLead scoring functionality
Lead capture formsLead capture forms
Lead routingEfficient lead routing
Lead nurturing campaignsEffective lead nurturing
Analytics and ReportingRobust campaign trackingComprehensive reporting
ROI measurementAdvanced analytics
Data visualizationData visualization tools
Integration CapabilitiesCRM platform integrationSeamless CRM integration
Social media integrationSocial media integration
Third-party app integrationIntegration with third-party apps
Data source compatibilityCompatibility with various data sources
Pricing and ScalabilityCustomized pricing based on requirementsCustomized pricing based on needs
Scalable for large enterprisesScalable for businesses of all sizes


Salesforce Marketing Cloud and Eloqua are formidable marketing platforms, each with unique strengths. Salesforce Marketing Cloud stands out with its CRM integration and advanced automation, while Eloqua excels in email marketing and lead nurturing. Consider your specific needs and budget to determine the best fit for your marketing goals and business requirements.

To make an informed decision, reach out to Growth Natives at or call +1 855-693-4769. Our experts can help you navigate the complexities and find the perfect platform to drive your marketing success. Don't miss out on unlocking your marketing potential!

Frequently Asked Questions

Eloqua and Salesforce Marketing Cloud both offer robust reporting and analytics tools to track campaign performance, measure ROI, analyze customer behavior, and optimize marketing strategies.

Eloqua is highly regarded for B2B marketing due to its robust lead management and integration capabilities with Oracle and other CRM systems, whereas Salesforce Marketing Cloud excels in combining B2B and B2C marketing needs within the Salesforce ecosystem.

Yes, businesses can use Eloqua and Salesforce Marketing Cloud together by leveraging integration capabilities to synchronize data, streamline marketing operations, and enhance customer engagement strategies.

Eloqua and Salesforce Marketing Cloud both offer robust reporting and analytics tools to track campaign performance, measure ROI, analyze customer behavior, and optimize marketing strategies.

User interfaces in both platforms are designed for ease of use and feature-rich functionality. Eloqua focuses on campaign management and lead nurturing workflows, while Salesforce Marketing Cloud offers a unified interface for multi-channel marketing.

Pricing for Eloqua and Salesforce Marketing Cloud varies based on factors like feature set, number of users, and customization requirements, with Salesforce Marketing Cloud often offering scalable pricing options.

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