Tried and Tested B2B Lead Generation Tactics

a man working on a laptop with some rating and review image showing lead generation tactics

Published on: October 19, 2021 Updated on: September 04, 2024 views Icon 1061 Views

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Gaurav Rajpoot
Gaurav Rajpoot LinkedIn

Sr. Director - MarTech

Gaurav Raajput, with 15 years of experience, specializes in B2B marketing, campaign management, marketing automation (Marketo, HubSpot, Eloqua), and sales operations (SFDC admin, custom apps). He excels in SQL, CRM integration, database management, reporting, and SDLC. His expertise includes lead nurturing, data warehousing, customer targeting, and financial reporting. Gaurav's specialties are MS CRM 3.0, business process analysis, data mining, and marketing strategy.

Article Reviewed By: Rahul Sharma LinkedIn

Table of Contents

Working in Salesforce has always been your dream, and today you are on your way to turning it into reality, all set to walk into the interview room to impress the interviewers with your knowledge and skills, and then out of nowhere, your phone rings. “Hello Ma’am, I’m Brandon; is it the right time to speak with you regarding credit cards?” – A telemarketer asking. 

These kinds of interruptions can annoy your target prospects, leaving them to ignore you forever, which is why we are here to discuss lead generation – an optimal solution for your brand or company to be the least annoying as possible.

Lead generation is one of the biggest obstacles marketers face. Moreover, generating qualified leads consistently is not an easy task.

A fact worth mentioning is that marketers focus more on the quality of the B2B lead generation over the number of leads the campaigns gather. Lead generation is not a one-shot task and is a never-ending loop you need to maintain for better conversions.

There is an abundance of lead generation tactics many brands follow over the years but in reality, it depends on your campaign’s creativity. Your campaign can potentially outperform by optimizing the common strategies or go for a brand new strategy altogether.

Here are a few lead generation strategies for you to get started with:

1. Content Marketing

Content is the king - a statement every marketer makes and believes in. Indeed, this is true, but without the right strategy, your content will not suffice the need. 

For any successful marketing campaign, identifying the target audience is essential, so this is where you should start with. Once you have a clear understanding of your target, you will be able to generate more valuable and high-quality content.

In the competitive buyers’ landscape, you need to create copies that not only engage your prospects but also motivate them to connect with you.

Content marketing is key for lead generation and is one of the major factors constituting brand awareness.

Top goals strategic content marketing for lead generation covers:

  • Meet your audience’s demands with relevant and informative content that generates value.
  • Avoid spreading false information in hopes of click-baiting.
  • Use multiple content formats such as videos, ebooks, blogs, podcasts, etc. to attract consumers. 

2. Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms are growing at a rapid pace and have become one of the important platforms marketers focus on for B2B lead generation. 

Businesses have started to utilize the benefits of having a consistent brand message and the reach they can obtain with social media.

The social media communities are a great source of generating leads. All you need to do is look for the right community that is seeking the solutions you offer. Social media allows you to establish one-on-one communication with your target prospects.

  • Form good relationships by engaging with the community and establishing your expertise. 
  • Maintain a consistent communication channel and don’t show up only for promotions.
  • Social media works as a two-way street and you will need to provide them something in return, so come up with engaging offers and challenges to ensure maximum engagement.

When it comes to one-on-one engagement, social media should be your top priority. 

Read More: Top 5 Effective Lead Qualification Frameworks

3. Chatbots

What can be a better way to engage with the audience than conducting surveys or creating fun quizzes?

The automation power chatbots bring can free your team from repetitive tasks. This supports them to perform other tasks for closing sales and thus creates an efficient workflow. Your team can continue the conversations or replies via chatbots for real-time inquiries.

Chatbots can be further integrated with AI in the upcoming years for facilitating more natural conversations with potential clients. This is great to broaden the reach and for B2B lead generation.

AI has good potential for providing predictive and personalized experiences. With AI you can engineer a more custom experience for a smoother lead generation approach.

Chatbots make it easier to understand your audience. For lead nurturing, you must be aware of the customer’s stage. Incorporating your chatbot with your CRM will help you locate where the user is on their customer journey.

This will be beneficial in streamlining your chatbot’s B2B lead generation approach. Chatbots are the future. Even if you are gaining leads from traditional approaches, chatbot strategies are more effective for gaining leads.

4. Remarketing 

You sure have been using remarketing for your paid marketing efforts, but have you ever considered using them for lead generation?

Remarketing is a great way to close sales that did not happen in the first phase. It is known as an effective strategy for better B2B lead generation and maximizing ROI.

Remember, successful lead generation requires regular optimization and so does your remarketing efforts. Remarketing has evolved as one of the best strategies for lead generation and nurturing.

It takes 3-4 visits for a new website visitor to make a purchase. 95% of first-time website visitors never make a purchase. Thus, using remarketing tactics you can motivate them to revisit your website.

When remarketing, you should not stick to only a single platform. Try to blend in with various social channels and platforms to increase the chances of lead generation. Consider which platforms will be the best based on your target audience and the solutions you offer. The remarketing approach will be successful only if your target audience widely uses the chosen platform.

Here are a few platforms you can utilize for remarketing:

  • LinkedIn
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Emails
  • Pop-ups

5. Paid Advertisements

Paid advertising helps in boosting your SEO efforts. Moreover, it is known as one of the effective alternatives when B2B lead generation is not gaining momentum. 

SEO and marketing approaches take time to come to fruition. Thus, you can always opt for paid advertisements if you are looking for fast and immediate results. Whether you are running an organic ad campaign or a paid search campaign, the key is identifying your target audience. Set up the campaign for a more targeted approach.

Around 50% of people who come across sites through paid ads are more likely to be converted. 

Some of the best advertising approaches are:

  • Google ads.
  • Quora ads.
  • Bing ads.
  • Instagram ads.
  • Facebook lead generation ads.
  • LinkedIn conversation ads.

Experiment with different kinds of ads and their audience targeting features. Finding the right platform will go a long way in B2B lead generation and will produce long term benefits. The leads found through paid ads could be high-value leads that are easier to convert by your sales team.


Now that you have a clear understanding of the lead generation, it’s time to implement strategies in your marketing ventures. The tried and true campaigns are the best way to initiate your lead generation efforts.

Make most of what works out for your campaigns. But at the same time pursue newer approaches with calculated risks to grow your company. Scrutinize and verify if the new approaches are securing you higher leads and then continue the strategies.

Having uncertainty in this sector is understandable. Failing to meet the expected leads might be frustrating but that doesn’t mean it’s the end of the line. Our team at Growth Natives can help you find suitable strategies for your campaign to generate leads.


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