Rukman Singh

Augmented Reality in Design – Challenges, Trends, & Applications

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Published on: April 16, 2024 Updated on: July 12, 2024 views Icon 2725 Views

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  • Web Design

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Rukman Singh
Rukman Singh LinkedIn

Director - Creative & Customer Success

Rukman is a skilled product designer with over 6 years of experience. As the head of product design, she has successfully brought to life over 80 brands and products across various sectors, including SaaS, B2B, eCommerce, and more. With a deep understanding of user experience, Rukman excels in creating profound digital experiences that resonate with target audiences, resulting in increased conversions for the brands she works with. She is a vibrant, driven, and team-building creative marketing executive.

Table of Contents

As technology continues to advance, the web and app design landscape is taking a leap. And, technologies like AI and AR are playing a crucial role in creating better website experiences for businesses and users alike.

Augmented Reality (AR), especially, stands out as the most exciting trend in design, transforming creative concepts into real-life experiences. 

Designers are now harnessing the potential of AR to craft interactive and captivating user experiences that go beyond traditional limits. 

In this infographic, we will explore the transformative role of AR in UX, how it can be utilized in design, various applications of AR in this field, and the benefits it brings.

The designers and UX experts at Growth Natives would love to pitch in and elevate your UX. Reach out to us at, and we will take it from there. 

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