Top 11 Email Marketing Ebooks You Must Read to Up Your Engagement and Revenue Game

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Published on: February 22, 2021 Updated on: September 27, 2024 views Icon 1082 Views

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  • Email Marketing

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Gaurav Rajpoot
Gaurav Rajpoot LinkedIn

Sr. Director - MarTech

Gaurav Raajput, with 15 years of experience, specializes in B2B marketing, campaign management, marketing automation (Marketo, HubSpot, Eloqua), and sales operations (SFDC admin, custom apps). He excels in SQL, CRM integration, database management, reporting, and SDLC. His expertise includes lead nurturing, data warehousing, customer targeting, and financial reporting. Gaurav's specialties are MS CRM 3.0, business process analysis, data mining, and marketing strategy.

Article Reviewed By: Rahul Sharma LinkedIn

Table of Contents

With the rise of multiple digital marketing strategies, one of the fewer questions that raise a doubt is whether email marketing is still effective. To give you a short answer, yes! 

Email marketing is important even if people believe that sending emails is an outdated practice. Here's why: 

The statistics for email marketing for the year 2021 predict that the active email user is forecasted to touch 4.3 billion in 2023. About 293.6 billion emails are sent and received each day, for which the average ROI is expected to be $42 for every $1 spent only on email marketing. 

As for businesses, 81% of small businesses rely on emails as their primary customer acquisition channel and almost 80%, for retention. Also, 49% percent of consumers would like to receive promotional emails for their favorite brands. 

Before diving any deeper into the ocean of email marketing, let’s take a quick look at what email marketing is and how it is broadly categorized. 

What is Email Marketing?

An email campaign is an order of marketing efforts that include deploying a coordinated set of individual email messages across a specific period with one specific purpose. It is designed to reach out to subscribers to provide a relevant solution and favorable offers. 

Email marketing campaigns are among the best ways to strike up a relationship and trust between an organization and its customers. These can either be a one-time deal or can be sent as a series of messages in a given timeframe.

Types of Email Marketing 

No one had thought about email marketing until Gary Thuerk, a marketing manager at Digital Equipment Corporation, fired the first mass email in 1978, thus earning himself the title of "Father of Spam."

Since then, email marketing campaigns have come a long way, and are broadly classified into:

Email Newsletters

Newsletters are one-off communication that inform the target audience about the latest news, tips, or updates about your company. These can be used to send promotional messages and important account information. Some of these may include weekly digests, quarterly organization updates, and the promotion of new products. 

If carried out perfectly, email newsletters can be helpful in building brand recognition and awareness. 

Transactional Emails

Transactional emails are messages that businesses need to send to facilitate a transaction or provide a service as requested by the customer. When sending transactional emails, you don’t need your customer’s consent. As stated by Experian, customers engage more with transactional emails than they do with brand-focused campaigns. 

Email receipts, invoices, and billings are a few examples of transactional emails.

Behavioral Emails

It is an automated email sent to a customer based on their behavior or actions. These emails are sent after the recipient interacts with a business through social media, website, or other channels. 

Some examples of behavioral emails are onboarding emails, recommendation emails, and cart abandonment. 

What is an eBook for marketing?

An eBook for marketing is a comprehensive digital resource that delves into a specific marketing topic or strategy. It goes beyond superficial information, providing a deep exploration of the subject matter. eBooks often contain valuable insights, practical tips, case studies, and step-by-step guides. They are typically longer-form content pieces designed to educate and empower marketers with detailed knowledge and actionable strategies.

Why read an eBook about marketing?

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, staying up-to-date with the latest strategies and insights is crucial for success. This is where reading an eBook about marketing can prove to be a game-changer. Let's explore the reasons why it's worth diving into the world of marketing eBooks.

In-Depth Knowledge and Expertise: An eBook about marketing is a valuable resource that offers in-depth knowledge and expertise in specific areas of interest. These comprehensive guides provide insights, strategies, and best practices that can enhance your marketing campaigns. By reading an eBook, you gain access to expert advice and industry trends, empowering you to make informed decisions and optimize your marketing efforts.

Fresh Perspectives and Innovative Ideas: Reading an eBook exposes you to fresh perspectives and innovative ideas within the marketing domain. Authors often share their experiences, case studies, and real-world examples, inspiring you to think creatively and approach your marketing campaigns from new angles. These diverse viewpoints can spark creativity and help you develop unique strategies tailored to your specific audience and goals.

Continuous Learning and Professional Development: In the dynamic field of marketing, continuous learning and professional development are essential for success. Reading eBooks allows you to engage in continuous learning, keeping you updated with the latest trends and techniques. By investing time in acquiring new knowledge and expanding your skill set, you position yourself as a competent marketer who can adapt to changing landscapes and drive meaningful results.

Ingredients for Successful Email Marketing eBook

An essential ingredient for a successful email marketing eBook is a comprehensive guide that provides valuable insights and tips for achieving high ROI. This eBook should cover various aspects of email marketing, such as building an efficient email list, incorporating compelling email content components, and implementing industry-leading email marketing strategies.

Building an efficient email list is crucial for reaching potential customers and growing your audience. It involves creating opt-in forms, lead magnets, and enticing offers to encourage visitors to join your email list. Additionally, segmentation and personalization play a vital role in targeting specific groups of subscribers with tailored content.

Compelling email content components are another key factor for effective campaigns. This includes crafting attention-grabbing subject lines, creating valuable and engaging content, incorporating visuals and multimedia, and ensuring mobile responsiveness.

Implementing industry-leading email marketing strategies is essential for reaching your marketing goals. This involves creating a well-planned email marketing strategy, analyzing data and metrics, testing and optimizing campaigns, and integrating email marketing with other digital marketing channels.

To create a successful eBook, study and incorporate best practices from successful companies in the field. Take inspiration from companies that have achieved high open rates, click-through rates, and conversions through their email marketing efforts. Learn from their approaches to content marketing, email design, automation, and customer engagement.

In conclusion, a successful email marketing eBook should offer valuable insights, practical tips, and industry-leading strategies for achieving high ROI. By focusing on building an efficient email list, incorporating compelling email content components, and implementing industry-leading email marketing strategies, marketers can create effective campaigns that engage and convert their audience.

Top Reasons Why You Need Email Marketing

Email marketing is important for its several benefits:

Connect With Your Audience

Emails keep your customer informed as people check their emails time and again. An email from your company tells them that you are thinking about them and that you as a business care about your customers.   

Leverage Targeted Messaging

Email marketing is really important for lead nurturing. Your potential customers are at different stages of the buying lifecycle. Some may be in the consideration phase while others may be at the research or comparison stage, and some others may even be at the ready-to-purchase state. Creating individual buyer personas can help you with what kind of content needs to be created. 

Measure Insights Easily 

Email marketing tools offer to track every aspect of your email campaign, including delivery rates, bounce rates, unsubscribe rates, click-through rates, and open rates. This gives you insights on which campaigns are running successfully, which ones need to be stopped, and which ones could work with a little change. 

Top Reads for Running Successful Email Marketing Campaigns

Marketers are always on the lookout for content that is helpful and engages them at the same time. We curated a list of Top 11 Email Marketing Ebooks that will help you with the tips and tricks for creating an effective email marketing campaign: 

1. 50 Best practices for Email marketers: Salesforce

Customers have a keen eye for their email inboxes, even when it is least expected out of them. Email remains the highest driver of ROI. It is used as one of the early touchpoints to introduce the brand to the customers. It takes data-driven decisions to craft an apt and perfect email.

This one is ranked no.1 in our list of email marketing eBooks and that's for a reason! It will helps you to master the balance between tricky and thoughtful content with the best 50 tips. To help the beginners and the masters improve the quality, this is the perfect ebook for you. This ebook guides you through 

  • Setting your goals and measures
  • Building trust
  • Delivering content
  • Integrating with customer experience

2. 25 expert tips for breakout email marketing success: Sendinblue

How can you beat your competitors and win your customers through their email inbox remains one of the biggest questions? Experimenting with new tricks for emails can prove as a plus point to gather your customer's attention. 

This ebook will help you with:

  • How to increase your email size list
  • How to improve your open email rate and generate more engagement
  • How to leverage marketing automation to increase brand engagement

3. The beginner's guide to Email Marketing: Hubspot 

Over the past few years, email marketing has gone from just another digital marketing strategy to an absolute necessity. About 99% of users check their email once a day. But the only letdown is, with the increasing number of brands investing in email marketing, it's harder to engage your contact's attention for meaningful conversations.

Executing a successful email campaign may look like an easy job, but it's the opposite. This email marketing ebook will provide you insights on:

  • The basics of email marketing
  • The types of email marketing
  • How to segment contact lists
  • Creating and designing emails 
  • Analyzing marketing email results

4. The 8 biggest mistakes email marketers make and how to avoid them: Marketo 

It is pretty easy to guide someone through the steps they should follow for achieving a goal. But there are only a few who tell you about the mistakes you might make through the journey and how to avoid them. 

This ebook will highlight the common 8 mistakes made by most marketers while drafting an email campaign. 

The most common mistakes that are talked about in this email marketing ebook include:

  • Unclear subject lines
  • Poor email list
  • Failure to measure email inboxing
  • Lack of engagement section
  • Lack of re-engagement strategy
  • Using image-based CTA buttons
  • Unable to optimize for mobile
  • Making bad testing decisions

5. The 3 pillars of email marketing: Litmus

Email delivers a higher ROI, but there are certain ways in which you can make your email marketing campaign go even further. People often believe that email marketing is dead or that it has died a few times over and over again. 

But the truth is email marketing is just getting started. With the right strategy and content, emails can be the best source to attract a customer's attention.

This ebook will guide you with the three pillars of email marketing. Also, you will learn:

  • How to create strong and streamlined pre-send processes
  • How can you use past campaigns to boost performance
  • How to use subscriber insights to improve other marketing channels.

6. The Entrepreneur's Guide to Email marketing: Oberlo

Most entrepreneurs do not realize the need for a perfect email marketing campaign. Studies consistently show that when you create an email marketing strategy that works, you can see an increased ROI for sure.

  • This ebook will help you with the basic and:
  • How to build and manage email campaigns
  • Tracking and measuring performance
  • Which tools can help you maximize the revenue 

7. Email marketing fundamentals: MailCharts

Knowing all about email marketing from scratch is of utmost importance. This ebook is the best for beginners and has plenty of new information for those already familiar with email marketing. 

This ebook will be a perfect help with:

  • A high-level tour of email marketing
  • Emails that you need to know 
  • How to segment your list
  • Advanced email marketing tactics
  • Examples about the companies doing great in the field of email marketing

8. Email marketing-A complete guide: Freshmarketer

Emails have been used for more than 50 years, with the very first email having been sent by Ray Tomlinson. The first email campaign resulted in a sale of $13 million, changing marketing's face forever. There are a total of 3.9 billion email users globally. Almost half of the people are using email. 

This email marketing guide will help you with:

  • What is email marketing, and why is it important for your business?
  • How to set up email campaigns
  • Picking the right email marketing tool

9. 10 Tips for successful email marketing campaigns: Marketo

Email marketing campaigns are one of the most important elements of email marketing strategies. They not only communicate with your customer but also gather important data and boost marketing ROI. For this, you must have an eye for detail about your audience, relevant messages, and no intention to last out emails for self-promotion. 

To help you start on the right foot, the 10 tips in this ebook will help you run a nurturing email campaign, which includes:

  • Using email campaigns as dialogues
  • Evolving past clicks through rates
  • Segmentation
  • Automating where necessary
  • Creating a mix of styles and methods
  • Deliverability

10. Email Newsletter guide + lookbook: Hubspot

Social media may outshine at first, but email marketing truly holds power when it comes to attracting customers. An email newsletter increases your audience's understanding and knowledge and is also a cost-effective business boost. 

With the help of this email marketing Ebook, you will learn about:

  • The types of newsletters
  • The elements of a great newsletter
  • How to set up your newsletter
  • Learn from the examples of a successful newsletter

11. How to improve Email review cycles and email approvals: Litmus

Most email marketers report that email reviews and approval processes are almost always the most time-consuming email workflow elements. The report by Litmus's latest state of email surveys of 2000 marketers helps you understand the factors and behaviors that make email reviews too problematic.

This email marketing ebook will enlighten you on: 

  • How a too lax approval process can harm the business
  •  reducing last-minute changes to approved emails 
  • Data that will help you create an effective approval process

These are the top 11 email marketing ebooks that will help you with every bit of information required for running a successful email marketing campaign. 

Winding Up

Creating a strong and effective email marketing strategy helps interact with your customers and increase sales directly. Similar to other marketing techniques, email marketing tools help your organization reach your customers easier than ever.

For detailed information on how you can create an effective email marketing campaign, let us help you. Reach out to us here or write to us at 

Frequently Asked Questions

Some benefits of reading email marketing ebooks include learning new techniques and strategies, staying updated on industry trends, gaining inspiration for creative campaigns, and improving your overall email marketing skills.

Reading email marketing ebooks can help you gain valuable insights, best practices, and actionable tips to enhance your email marketing campaigns, increase engagement with your audience, and drive revenue growth.

Email marketing ebooks can help improve engagement and revenue by providing guidance on crafting compelling subject lines, creating engaging content, segmenting email lists effectively, optimizing send times, and implementing best practices for email design and layout.

Topics covered in these ebooks may include email list building, lead nurturing, email automation, personalization, A/B testing, email deliverability, email design, and measuring email marketing ROI.

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