Arpit Srivastava

VP - Digital Marketing & Analytics

With over 17 years of experience spanning Data analytics, Product Marketing, MarTech consulting, ABM and Product management, Arpit currently serve as the VP of Growth Marketing & Analytics. Additionally he is Co-Founder and Product Head at DiGGrowth, a startup dedicated to revolutionizing marketing intelligence & spend optimization using AI and Data driven strategies.

More From Arpit Srivastava

a hand pointing at a screen
  • Arpit Srivastava
  • Nov 1, 2023
  • 10 min read

Unlocking Success: Harnessing Marketing Insights

Marketing Insights play a crucial role in the decision-making processes of businesses. By understanding the definition and scope of marketing insights, you can unlock the potential to drive growth and profitability. 1.1 Definition and Scope of Marketing Insights Marketing insights refer to the valuable knowledge derived from a comprehensive analysis of customer behavior, data analytics, […]

An illustration shows a person presenting marketing analytics on a whiteboard, with various devices displayed in front, and text highlighting the importance of data.
  • Arpit Srivastava
  • Nov 1, 2023
  • 15 min read

The Power of Marketing Analytics: Harness Data to Drive Business Success

In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, marketing analytics has become an indispensable tool for businesses looking to gain a competitive edge. By analyzing vast amounts of data, businesses can uncover valuable insights and make informed decisions that lead to better outcomes and increased profitability. Marketing analytics involves the collection, measurement, and interpretation of data related […]

a person sitting at a desk with a laptop
  • Arpit Srivastava
  • Nov 1, 2023
  • 17 min read

Understanding the B2B Customer: A Key to Business Success

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on the B2B customer! In today’s business landscape, where connections and partnerships drive growth, having a thorough understanding of your B2B customers is paramount. Let’s delve into the definition, characteristics, and differences between B2B and B2C customers, as well as the importance of catering to the unique needs and challenges […]

a person sitting in a chair with a laptop
  • Arpit Srivastava
  • Nov 1, 2023
  • 16 min read

Analyzing Analytics Insights: Unleashing the Power of Data

Welcome to a world where numbers speak louder than words. In an era where data is abundant, businesses are now realizing the immense power of analytics insights. By harnessing the potential of data analysis, companies can gain valuable knowledge and make informed decisions that propel them towards success. But what exactly are analytics insights? In […]

a person sitting on the floor with a laptop
  • Arpit Srivastava
  • Nov 1, 2023
  • 15 min read

Analytics Dashboard: Unlocking Data-Driven Decision-Making

An analytics dashboard is a powerful tool that provides businesses with valuable insights by capturing, consolidating, and visualizing data. With the ability to track and analyze key performance indicators (KPIs), an analytics dashboard becomes the bridge between raw data and informed decision-making. In today’s data-centric world, analytics dashboards play a vital role in enabling organizations […]

a person working on a laptop
  • Arpit Srivastava
  • Nov 1, 2023
  • 19 min read

Unlock the Power of Data: Grow Your Business with Analytics

In today’s data-driven landscape, businesses are constantly seeking ways to gain a competitive edge. That’s where analytics come in. Through the systematic analysis of data, businesses can unearth valuable insights, understand customer behavior, and make informed decisions that drive growth. But what exactly is an analytics business, and why is it crucial for success? An […]

A man standing with a computer screen
  • Arpit Srivastava
  • Nov 1, 2023
  • 11 min read

The Power of B2B Analytics: Driving Business Growth and Success

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on B2B Analytics, an indispensable tool for modern businesses. In today’s data-driven world, harnessing the power of B2B Analytics can make all the difference in propelling your business toward growth and success. B2B Analytics refers to the process of examining data and statistics to gain valuable insights into business-to-business (B2B) […]

a person sitting in a chair with a laptop
  • Arpit Srivastava
  • Nov 1, 2023
  • 27 min read

Data Analytics for Beginners

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on data analytics for beginners. In today’s digital age, the ability to gather, analyze, and interpret data has become crucial for organizations across various industries. By harnessing the power of data analytics, businesses can gain valuable insights and make informed decisions that drive growth and success. Data analytics refers to […]

a person in a blue shirt
  • Arpit Srivastava
  • Oct 30, 2023
  • 24 min read

An Essential Guide to Understanding Customer Business for Market Success

Whether you are a newbie entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, understanding customer businesses is crucial for achieving success in today’s competitive market. But what exactly does the term “customer business” entail? In simple terms, it refers to the comprehensive understanding of your target customers’ businesses, from their operations and goals to their pain points […]

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