Sameer Pawar

Director Growth Marketing

Sameer, with 20+ years in B2B/B2C, focuses on extracting clear, actionable insights from big data, driven by a passion for understanding Google's endless queries.

More From Sameer Pawar

a person holding a tablet
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Jul 28, 2022
  • 2 min read

Ins and Outs of Modern Marketing and How Company Culture Plays a Vital Role

“You can have all the right strategies in the world; if you don’t have the right culture, you’re dead.” – Patrick Whitesell It’s true. Your company’s culture largely impacts how you reach out to your target market with your products or services. Until and unless you align your organizational values with consumers’ values and expectations, […]

a woman holding papers and looking at a laptop
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Jul 20, 2022
  • 10 min read

Power Cross-Channel Personalization With These 6 Effective Steps

Email personalization, web personalization, behavioral targeting, social media personalization, triggered emails, and social proof—these were some of the terms unheard of in marketing a few decades ago. Today, it is different. Marketing has changed, and for good. Mass marketing no longer works with knowledge becoming more accessible. Customers ignore cookie-cutter messages to discover brands and […]

a woman standing next to a chatbot
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Jul 13, 2022
  • 25 min read

Amplifying Your Conversational Marketing Strategy With Chatbots

It would be an understatement to say that the tremors sent by the Covid-19 pandemic have changed the world of business. Businesses around the world, small and big, have in fact seen a 360 shift in how they approached the digital marketing paradigm. This is why they are increasingly adopting the digital-first approach.  Since the […]

a person sitting on the floor using a laptop
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Jul 7, 2022
  • 19 min read

Ecommerce Marketing: Single or Double Opt-in to Grow Your Subscriber List?

Email is, by far, the most impressive tool for communication as 99% of consumers check their emails every day. That is probably why email marketing has a 4,200% ROI.  But sending emails to users alone doesn’t guarantee conversions. It requires you to have a valid and engaged subscriber list.  Increasing conversions via email marketing campaigns […]

a person sitting at a computer
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Jun 29, 2022
  • 14 min read

‘Cookieless Future’ – How to Market in a World Without Cookies?

While pop culture would have you believe that the cookie monster is a blue, fuzzy, lovable, cookie-devouring, googly-eyed creature on Sesame Street, it is far from the truth. The real cookie monster has been your privacy-threatening, auto-filling, preference-saving, data-memorizing internet browser setting all along—lovable only to digital marketers, who need those cookies to know their […]

a person sitting with a laptop
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Jun 28, 2022
  • 46 min read

6 Tried and Tested B2B SaaS Marketing Strategies to Generate Better ROI

Even a great business product fails if not accompanied by the right marketing strategy. If you are closely studying the SaaS market, you know that businesses launch plenty of new SaaS products every week, where some catch the eye while others get lost in the crowd. The fact is, successful SaaS companies do not only […]

a person holding a box
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Jun 9, 2022
  • 14 min read

Facebook Live Selling and Its Growth in the Ecommerce Business

Level Up Your Business with Facebook Live Selling In today’s highly competitive online marketplace, businesses are constantly seeking innovative ways to boost sales and engage with their audience. One such powerful tool that has revolutionized the world of e-commerce is Facebook Live Selling. Facebook Live Selling refers to the practice of broadcasting live videos on […]

a person sitting at a computer
  • Sameer Pawar
  • Jun 7, 2022
  • 23 min read

Top Actionable and High-Converting Ecommerce Lead Magnet Ideas

With the average conversion rate for ecommerce stores being around 3%, thousands of your target customers might visit your website but never convert into long-term customers. This is where lead magnets come in!  Lead magnets are a great tactic to attract new customers while also rewarding the existing ones.  The more important question isn’t why […]

a person running next to a computer
  • Sameer Pawar
  • May 12, 2022
  • 18 min read

Powerful Ecommerce Tools To Boost Your Revenue

The struggle of ecommerce companies today is real, with the best templates and design layouts available out there but shoppers’ experience, still turning out to be debilitating. With the shift in the digital landscape and customers’ expectations in the wake of the pandemic, it has become extremely challenging for ecommerce store owners to conquer buyers’ […]

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