Elevate Your Data Quality with HubSpot’s New Validation Rules for Properties

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Published on: March 2, 2023 Updated on: July 05, 2024 views Icon 1195 Views

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Gaurav Rajpoot
Gaurav Rajpoot LinkedIn

Sr. Director - MarTech

Gaurav Raajput, with 15 years of experience, specializes in B2B marketing, campaign management, marketing automation (Marketo, HubSpot, Eloqua), and sales operations (SFDC admin, custom apps). He excels in SQL, CRM integration, database management, reporting, and SDLC. His expertise includes lead nurturing, data warehousing, customer targeting, and financial reporting. Gaurav's specialties are MS CRM 3.0, business process analysis, data mining, and marketing strategy.

Article Reviewed By: Rahul Sharma LinkedIn

Table of Contents

Clean Data with HubSpot: Ensuring Accurate Insights for Your Business

In the vast landscape of digital marketing, clean data is the key to unlocking valuable insights and unleashing the true potential of your business. Every successful marketer knows that accurate and reliable data lays the foundation for informed decision-making, increased customer satisfaction, and ultimately, financial growth. But how do you ensure your data is clean and free from errors? Enter HubSpot CRM, the game-changing platform that not only streamlines customer relationship management but also takes data cleansing to a whole new level.

HubSpot CRM is more than just a tool; it's a game-changer, revolutionizing the way businesses manage their customer relationships. With its user-friendly interface, powerful automation features, and comprehensive analytics, HubSpot CRM empowers organizations to optimize lead generation, nurture customer relationships, and drive business growth. But, here's the secret sauce - HubSpot CRM also boasts robust data cleansing capabilities that ensure the accuracy and reliability of your data, making it a must-have tool for any data-driven business.

Clean data is a critical component of a successful digital marketing strategy. By ensuring that your data is accurate, consistent, and up-to-date, you can make informed decisions, personalize your marketing efforts, and drive better results. With clean data, you can segment your audience, track key metrics, and measure the effectiveness of your campaigns. Investing in data cleaning and validation processes can pay off in improved customer experiences, increased conversions, and a stronger overall ROI.

And for clean data what better tool than HubSpot? HubSpot's validation rules for properties are a powerful tool for maintaining clean data quality in your marketing and sales efforts. By defining particular criteria for the data in your HubSpot properties, you can use these rules to make sure that every data entered into these fields complies with your desired standards. 

You can impose particular formats on phone numbers and email addresses, for instance, or establish minimum and maximum character counts for text fields. By doing so, you can reduce errors, standardize your data, and guarantee the accuracy and consistency of every piece of information you submit into HubSpot. You may enhance the quality of your data, which will result in improved insights and better decision-making, by applying these validation rules.

To learn and leverage all that HubSpot’s validation rules has to offer, it is important to learn about the importance and dimensions of data quality. 

Understanding Data Cleansing

Data cleansing is an essential step in maintaining accurate and reliable data in your HubSpot CRM. It involves the process of identifying and rectifying any errors, inconsistencies, or outdated information in your database. By ensuring clean data, you are able to make informed decisions, personalize customer experiences, and streamline your overall business operations.

A. Definition and significance of data cleansing

Data cleansing, also known as data scrubbing, is the process of identifying and correcting or removing errors, duplications, or inconsistencies in your database. It involves various techniques such as data validation, data standardization, and data enrichment to ensure the accuracy and reliability of your data.

The significance of data cleansing cannot be overstated. Unclean data can have detrimental effects on your business, leading to wasted resources, missed opportunities, and inaccurate analysis. With clean data, you can trust the insights derived from your CRM system, enabling you to enhance customer relationships, increase conversion rates, and drive revenue growth.

B. Common challenges associated with unclean data

  • 1. Duplicate Records: Duplicate entries are a common challenge in unclean data. They can lead to confusion, inaccurate reporting, and wasted efforts.
  • 2. Inconsistent Formatting: Inconsistent data formatting, such as variations in names, addresses, or phone numbers, can hinder data analysis and hinder effective communication with customers.
  • 3. Outdated Information: Outdated or obsolete information can mislead your sales and marketing teams, resulting in failed outreach efforts and lost opportunities.
  • 4. Incomplete Data: Incomplete data, missing key details or contact information, can hinder your ability to reach out to leads or nurture customer relationships effectively.

C. Impact of unclean data on sales, marketing, and overall business performance

Unclean data can have far-reaching consequences for your sales, marketing, and overall business performance. It can lead to:

  • Missed Opportunities: Inaccurate or incomplete data can result in missed sales opportunities, as your team may not have access to the right information at the right time.
  • Inefficient Marketing Campaigns: Unclean data can lead to ineffective targeted marketing campaigns, hampering your ability to segment your audience and deliver personalized messaging.
  • Poor Customer Experience: Inaccurate data can lead to misguided customer interactions, impacting their satisfaction and perception of your brand.
  • Decreased Productivity: Sorting through unclean data takes time and effort, causing a decrease in your team's productivity and diverting resources away from more valuable tasks.

HubSpot CRM and Data Cleansing

As discussed earlier, data cleansing plays a crucial role in maintaining accurate and organized data. When it comes to managing customer relationships, HubSpot CRM stands out as a powerful tool. Not only does it provide a comprehensive solution for managing relationships, but it also incorporates data cleansing techniques to ensure the data remains clean and reliable.

A. Overview of HubSpot CRM and its key features

HubSpot CRM is a cloud-based software that helps businesses streamline their sales processes, track customer interactions, and manage their sales pipeline effectively. It offers a range of features designed to assist businesses in nurturing leads, closing deals, and maintaining strong customer relationships.

B. Integration of data cleansing techniques into HubSpot CRM

One of the key advantages of using HubSpot CRM is its integration of data cleansing techniques. The system automatically checks for duplicate entries, eliminates inconsistencies, and validates contact information to ensure the data stored remains accurate and up-to-date.

By implementing sophisticated algorithms and machine learning, HubSpot CRM identifies potential data issues such as incomplete or outdated records, misspellings, and invalid email addresses. This integration simplifies the process of maintaining clean data, allowing businesses to focus on building meaningful connections with their customers.

C. Benefits of cleaning data in HubSpot CRM

The benefits of cleaning data in HubSpot CRM are immense. By eliminating duplicate and inaccurate records, businesses can improve the efficiency of their marketing and sales efforts. Clean data ensures that marketing messages are delivered to the right audience, minimizing the chances of wasted resources and irrelevant communication.

In addition, clean data enables businesses to gain deeper insights into their customers, allowing them to personalize marketing campaigns and deliver relevant content. With accurate data, businesses can make informed decisions, optimize their sales processes, and ultimately drive higher conversion rates.

Moreover, clean data fosters trust and credibility among customers. By maintaining accurate and up-to-date information, businesses can provide a seamless experience, enhance customer satisfaction, and build long-term relationships with their clients.

The Process of Data Cleansing in HubSpot

A. Identifying and prioritizing data cleansing tasks

Before starting the data cleansing process in HubSpot, it is important to assess the data quality indicators. This will help in identifying the critical data fields that require cleaning.

  1. Assessing data quality indicators: Analyze the data for accuracy, completeness, consistency, and relevance. This will help in prioritizing the data cleansing tasks.
  2. Identifying critical data fields for cleaning: Determine the data fields that are most important for your business and require immediate cleaning. This could include fields like contact information, email addresses, and customer attributes.

B. Selecting data cleansing techniques based on specific needs

HubSpot offers various techniques to clean and improve your data quality. Based on your specific needs, you can choose from the following data cleansing techniques:

  1. Data cleaning techniques overview: Understand the different techniques available, such as data validation, data scrubbing, data standardization, and data deduplication.
  2. Data validation techniques for accurate data entry: Use validation rules to ensure data accuracy during data entry. This includes checking for correct formats, mandatory fields, and valid values.
  3. Data scrubbing techniques to remove duplicate or outdated information: Identify and remove duplicate records or outdated data from your database. This helps in maintaining a clean and up-to-date database.
  4. Data standardization techniques for consistent data formatting: Standardize the formatting of your data fields to ensure consistency. This includes standardizing addresses, phone numbers, and other customer information.
  5. Data deduplication techniques for removing duplicate records: Identify and eliminate duplicate records from your database to avoid confusion and improve data accuracy.

C. Implementing data cleansing techniques in HubSpot CRM

HubSpot CRM provides step-by-step guidance on how to clean your data effectively using its built-in tools. Follow this guide to efficiently cleanse your data:

  1. Step-by-step guide for cleaning data using HubSpot CRM tools: Learn how to use HubSpot's data cleansing tools, which include features like bulk editing, merging duplicates, and importing clean data.

Benefits of Clean Data in HubSpot CRM

  • Improved sales and marketing outcomes: Clean data in HubSpot CRM allows for accurate and up-to-date information on leads and customers. This enables sales and marketing teams to make informed decisions, personalize communication, and target the right prospects, leading to higher conversion rates and revenue.
  • Enhanced customer segmentation and targeting: Clean data helps in categorizing and segmenting clients based on various criteria such as demographics, behavior, or purchase history. HubSpot CRM with clean data empowers businesses to create highly targeted and personalized campaigns that resonate with their audience, resulting in better engagement and customer satisfaction.
  • Increased data integrity and reliability for decision-making: Clean data ensures the accuracy and consistency of information stored in HubSpot CRM. By removing duplicate, outdated, or incorrect data, businesses can trust the insights gained from their CRM system for making strategic decisions and forecasting sales performance.

Best Practices for Data Cleansing with HubSpot CRM

  1. Regularly scheduled data cleansing activities
    Data cleansing should be treated as an ongoing process rather than a one-time task. Regularly scheduled data cleansing activities help maintain the quality and accuracy of your data in HubSpot CRM. Create a cleansing schedule that suits your business needs, whether it's monthly, quarterly, or annually. Stick to the schedule and make sure all members of your team are aware of the importance of regular data cleansing.
  2. Training and educating the team on data cleansing processes
    Data cleansing is a team effort, so it's crucial to train and educate your team members on the best practices and processes for data cleansing in HubSpot CRM. Ensure that everyone understands the importance of clean data and how it impacts the overall effectiveness of your marketing and sales efforts. Provide training sessions, resources, and documentation to help your team effectively execute data cleansing tasks.
  3. Leveraging automation for efficient data cleaning in HubSpot CRM
    Take advantage of automation features in HubSpot CRM to streamline and automate your data cleansing processes. Utilize workflows and data cleaning tools available in HubSpot to automate tasks such as updating contact information, removing duplicate records, and standardizing data formats. This will save time and effort, while also ensuring consistent data quality across your CRM system.

Establishing data quality benchmarks and metrics
To maintain clean data in HubSpot CRM, it's essential to establish data quality benchmarks and metrics. Define what constitutes clean data in your CRM system and set measurable goals for data quality improvement. Regularly monitor and analyze data quality metrics such as accuracy, completeness, and consistency. Use these benchmarks and metrics as a guide to prioritize and address data cleansing activities.

6 Dimensions of Data Quality

You consider the attributes of the data when evaluating its quality. Although they may differ from project to project, there are six universal aspects of data quality standards:

  • Accuracy: To which degree the information accurately reflects reality.
  • Completeness: Does it meet your standards for what constitutes a thorough statement?
  • Consistency: Does information recorded in one location match pertinent information stored in another location?
  • Timeliness: Are you able to access your information when you need it?
  • Validity: Does the information adhere to business norms, follow a predetermined format, or is it in an useless format?
  • Uniqueness: Is this the only time this information has ever been in the database?

What’s New and How to Use HubSpot’s Validation Rules for Properties?

New HubSpot features have been added to the CRM to make it easier for you to have a reliable database that you can use for various marketing or sales initiatives.

Custom text and numeric characteristics can now be subject to rules. Only after you've satisfied the property's requirements can you save the value you've entered. To maintain and upload the value into your database, you must follow the instructions.

To use the HubSpot validation rules, you must have super admin capabilities. Enroll your account in the Property Validation beta in order to use this functionality.

  1. The "Select validation rules" window will then open, displaying a number of checkboxes to enable validation rules for the values of the property. The selections are determined by the field type of the property.
  1. You can select a minimum or maximum number of characters for field types that support single-line text and multi-line text, respectively. Additionally, you can forbid special characters or limit values to only numeric characters.
  1. Use the Numeric field type to specify an amount range or the number of decimal places you need (this is particularly useful for currencies).

5 Benefits of HubSpot’s Validation Rules

  1. Improved data quality: By setting specific criteria for the data in your properties, you can eliminate errors and improve the overall quality of the information stored in your HubSpot account.
  2. Standardized data: Validation rules help to standardize the data in your properties, ensuring that all information is consistent and accurate.
  3. Better decision-making: With clean, accurate data, you can make informed decisions and gain better insights into your marketing and sales efforts.
  4. Increased efficiency: By automating the process of checking data quality, you can save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on manual clean-up.
  5. Enhanced customer experiences: With accurate data, you can personalize your marketing efforts and deliver better experiences to your customers.

Overall, using HubSpot's Validation Rules is an effective way to improve the quality of your data and drive better results from your digital marketing and sales efforts.


Although it's still in development, the capability is already a potent tool for ensuring that your data is clean and your operations run smoothly. We advise all companies to utilize HubSpot's new validation criteria in order to maintain a clean and efficient CRM. Looking forward to learning more about HubSpot’s validation features? Get in touch with our experts at Growth Natives! Connect with us today at info@growthnatives.com.

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