Top 7 UI & UX Design Trends

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Published on: July 15, 2021 Updated on: July 01, 2024 views Icon 1513 Views

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Rukman Singh
Rukman Singh LinkedIn

Director - Creative & Customer Success

Rukman is a skilled product designer with over 6 years of experience. As the head of product design, she has successfully brought to life over 80 brands and products across various sectors, including SaaS, B2B, eCommerce, and more. With a deep understanding of user experience, Rukman excels in creating profound digital experiences that resonate with target audiences, resulting in increased conversions for the brands she works with. She is a vibrant, driven, and team-building creative marketing executive.

Article Reviewed By: Mohit Kumar LinkedIn

Table of Contents

The UI and UX industry is undergoing a transformative phase. With the recovery of the global economy and shifting customer perceptions, UI design priorities have evolved. 

Understanding UI Design

In order to create a successful user interface, it is important to understand the fundamentals of UI design. UI, or User Interface, design refers to the process of creating digital products that are visually appealing, intuitive, and user-friendly.

Definition of UI (User Interface) design

UI design involves the creation of the visual elements and interactive components that users interact with when using a digital product. This includes designing user interfaces for websites, mobile apps, and other digital platforms.

Role of UI design in creating user-centered digital products

UI design plays a crucial role in creating digital products that are user-centered. It focuses on understanding the needs and preferences of the users and designing interfaces that meet those needs. By creating user-centered designs, UI designers aim to enhance the overall user experience.

Key principles of UI design

  • Simplicity: UI designs should be clean, simple, and easy to understand. Avoid clutter and excessive use of elements that could confuse users.
  • Consistency: Consistency in UI design ensures that users can easily navigate and interact with different parts of a digital product, as they are familiar with the design patterns.
  • Visual Hierarchy: UI designers use visual hierarchy to guide users' attention and prioritize important elements on the screen.
  • Feedback: Providing feedback to users, such as visual cues or notifications, helps them understand the system's response to their actions.
  • Accessibility: UI designs should be accessible to users with different abilities, accommodating for factors such as color blindness and assistive technologies.

Understanding these key principles is essential in creating effective UI designs that engage users and deliver a seamless user experience.

The Design World and Trends

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving design world, staying up to date with the latest trends is crucial for both designers and businesses. Design trends not only reflect the current aesthetic preferences but also provide valuable insights into user behavior and expectations.

Discussing the dynamic nature of the design world

The design world is dynamic and constantly influenced by various factors, such as technological advancements, cultural shifts, and societal changes. What may be considered cutting-edge today could become outdated tomorrow. This dynamism makes it essential for designers to stay proactive and adapt to the evolving landscape.

How design trends evolve over time

Design trends evolve as a response to changing user preferences and needs. They often begin as experimental design approaches driven by a few visionaries who push the boundaries of creativity. As these ideas gain traction and demonstrate their effectiveness, they gradually become established trends, influencing the design community.

Importance of keeping up with design trends for designers and businesses

For designers, keeping up with design trends is essential to remain relevant and competitive. By embracing the latest trends, designers can showcase their ability to create modern and visually pleasing interfaces. This can strengthen their professional reputation and open up new opportunities.

Businesses, on the other hand, must stay abreast of design trends to ensure their products and services resonate with their target audience. By aligning their designs with prevailing trends, businesses can enhance user engagement, improve customer satisfaction, and stay ahead of their competitors.

UX Design and its Relationship with UI Design

When we talk about UI design trends, it's crucial to understand the role of UX design and its relationship with UI design. UX, which stands for User Experience, refers to the overall experience a user has when interacting with a product or system. It encompasses a range of factors, including usability, accessibility, and functionality.

UI, on the other hand, stands for User Interface, which specifically focuses on the visual and interactive elements of a product or system. UI design involves creating interfaces that are aesthetically pleasing and easy to use.

While UX and UI design are often used interchangeably, it's important to note that they are two distinct disciplines that work closely together. UX design informs UI design by providing insights into user needs, behaviors, and expectations. In turn, UI design brings the UX vision to life by creating visually appealing and intuitive interfaces.

An effective user interface is crucial for a positive user experience. The visual design, layout, and navigation all play a significant role in how users perceive and interact with a product or system. As UI design trends evolve, they have a direct impact on the overall user experience.

UI design trends can influence user behavior and shape their expectations. For example, the use of flat design with minimalistic elements has become a popular trend in recent years. This trend emphasizes simplicity and clarity, allowing users to focus on the essential elements of an interface. As a result, users have come to expect clean and uncluttered designs in their digital experiences.

Furthermore, advancements in technology, such as the widespread adoption of mobile devices, have also influenced UI design trends. The rise of mobile apps and responsive web design has made it necessary for UI designers to consider the unique constraints and possibilities of different devices and screen sizes.

Ultimately, UI design trends have a significant impact on the overall user experience. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and incorporating them into UI designs, designers can create interfaces that meet user expectations and enhance their overall satisfaction.

The Importance of User-Centered Design in UI Trends

User-centered design (UCD) is a crucial aspect of UI design trends. It involves placing the needs and preferences of users at the forefront of the design process. By prioritizing user satisfaction, UCD ensures that UI trends are not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional and intuitive.

When UI design trends align with user needs and preferences, they become more impactful and influential. A user-centered approach helps designers create interfaces that are easy to navigate, understand, and interact with. By considering the goals, desires, and limitations of the target audience, UI designers can deliver an optimal user experience.

Several case studies illustrate the success of user-centered design approaches in UI trends. For example, the redesign of a popular e-commerce website focused on improving the shopping experience for users. Through extensive user research, user testing, and iterative design processes, the UI design team identified pain points and implemented changes that led to a significant increase in conversion rates and customer satisfaction.

In another case, a mobile banking app utilized user-centered design principles to simplify complex banking processes. By understanding the needs and challenges of their users, the UI design team created a streamlined and intuitive interface that reduced user errors and increased user adoption rates.

The integration of user-centered design in UI trends fosters empathy between the designer and the user. It encourages designers to step into the shoes of their users and understand their motivations, expectations, and frustrations. By actively involving users throughout the design process, UI designers can create interfaces that truly resonate with their target audience.

In conclusion, user-centered design is crucial for UI design trends to succeed. By placing the needs and preferences of users at the core, UI trends can deliver functional, intuitive, and satisfying user experiences. Through case studies and empathy-driven design approaches, user-centered design ensures the relevance and impact of UI trends in meeting user needs.

Exploring Current UI Design Trends

6.1 Flat Design

Flat design is a minimalist approach to UI design that focuses on simplicity and uses two-dimensional elements without any realistic textures or effects. It features clean lines, bold colors, and ample white space. The characteristics of flat design include simplicity, clarity, and a visually appealing aesthetic.

Benefits of flat design in UI include faster loading times, improved usability, and compatibility across various devices and screen sizes. However, some drawbacks of flat design are that it can lack depth and may be less engaging or visually interesting compared to more complex design styles.

6.2 Material Design

Google's Material Design is a popular design system that utilizes the principles of realism, motion, and materiality to create a visually appealing and cohesive user interface. It emphasizes a set of design guidelines and components that ensure consistency and accessibility in UI design.

Key principles of Material Design include material metaphor, responsive interaction, meaningful motion, and adaptive design. Successful implementations of Material Design can be found in various apps and websites, showcasing the benefits of a unified design language.

6.3 Skeuomorphic Design

Skeuomorphic design refers to a design style that imitates real-world objects and textures in the digital interface. It often includes realistic gradients, shadows, and textures to create familiarity and enhance visual appeal.

While skeuomorphic design was more prevalent in the past, contemporary UI design still incorporates elements of skeuomorphism to provide a sense of familiarity and affordance. The pros of skeuomorphic design include improved user understanding and engagement, but it can also lead to visual clutter and slower loading times.

6.4 Minimalism

Minimalism in UI design is characterized by simplicity, clarity, and the removal of any unnecessary elements or visual clutter. It focuses on essential components and uses negative space effectively to create a clean and intuitive user interface.

Minimalistic approaches have a significant impact on user experience, as they allow users to focus on the core content and tasks without distractions. Minimalistic UI design trends and best practices often involve the use of subtle animations, clear typography, and a limited color palette.

6.5 Microinteractions

Microinteractions are small, subtle animations or responses that occur within the user interface. They provide feedback, guide users through tasks, and enhance the overall user experience. Examples of microinteractions in UI design include button animations, error message confirmations, and loading indicators.

Microinteractions play a vital role in engaging users, making the interface feel more responsive and human-like. They provide visual cues and affordances, improving the usability and intuitiveness of the UI.

6.6 Animation in UI Design

UI animations add motion and dynamic elements to the user interface, enhancing the overall user experience. Popular animation trends in UI design include subtle transitions, parallax scrolling, and hover effects.

When used effectively, UI animations can guide users, provide visual feedback, and create a delightful and immersive experience. However, it is important to use animations sparingly and ensure they enhance usability rather than distract or slow down the user.

6.7 Typography in UI Design

Typography plays a crucial role in UI design, as it affects readability, hierarchy, and overall aesthetics. Current typography trends in UI design involve a combination of sans-serif and serif fonts, large and bold typography, and the use of variable fonts.

Choosing appropriate typefaces for different interfaces requires considering factors such as brand identity, readability, and compatibility across devices. Best practices include using a limited number of fonts, creating a visual hierarchy through font sizes and weights, and ensuring accessibility for all users.

6.8 Color Theory in UI Design

Colors have a significant impact on user psychology and emotions. Current color trends in UI design include the use of vibrant and bold colors, color gradients, and dark mode.

Guidelines for color selection and combination involve considering the brand identity, creating contrast and legibility, and ensuring accessibility for users with visual impairments. The effective use of colors can evoke certain emotions, enhance the user experience, and create a visually appealing interface.

Design Thinking and UI Trends

Design thinking is a problem-solving approach that emphasizes empathy, collaboration, and creativity. It involves understanding users' needs and designing solutions that meet those needs effectively.

When it comes to UI design trends, design thinking plays a crucial role in driving innovation and creating user-centered experiences. By applying design thinking principles, designers can identify emerging trends and integrate them into their UI designs.

Case studies provide concrete examples of how design thinking has contributed to successful UI trends. One such example is the redesign of a popular e-commerce website. The design team used design thinking methodologies to analyze user behavior, identify pain points, and uncover opportunities for improvement. As a result, they were able to incorporate new UI elements, such as personalized recommendations and simplified checkout processes, which significantly improved the overall user experience.

In another case study, a mobile app was revamped using design thinking principles. By conducting user research, prototyping, and testing, the design team discovered that users were struggling with finding relevant content. As a solution, they implemented a UI design trend called card-based layouts, which allowed users to easily browse and discover content. This design-thinking-driven UI trend not only increased user engagement but also boosted app downloads and customer satisfaction.

UI Design Trends for Mobile Apps and Responsive Web Design

With the increasing usage of mobile devices, designing user interfaces for mobile apps and creating responsive web designs have become critical for businesses. Here are some specific UI design considerations for mobile apps and best practices for responsive web design:

Specific UI design considerations for mobile apps

  • Thumb-friendly navigation: As mobile screens are smaller, it's essential to prioritize easy navigation using buttons and menus that can be comfortably tapped with a thumb.
  • Simple layouts: Mobile apps should have concise and clear layouts to avoid overwhelming users with too much information on a small screen.
  • Optimized loading times: Mobile apps must load quickly to provide a seamless user experience. Minimizing heavy elements and optimizing image sizes are crucial for faster loading.
  • Gesture-based interactions: Incorporating intuitive gestures like swiping, pinching, and tapping enhances the user experience and makes navigation more engaging.
  • Adaptive typography: Text elements in mobile apps should be legible and adapt to different screen sizes without compromising readability.

Best practices for responsive web design

  • Flexible grid systems: Utilizing responsive grid systems ensures that web layouts adjust seamlessly across various screen sizes, optimizing user experience.
  • Scalable images: Implementing techniques like responsive image resizing and lazy loading enables websites to load efficiently and maintain visual quality on different devices.
  • Media queries: Using CSS media queries allows web designers to apply different styles and layouts based on the user's screen size and device capabilities.
  • Progressive enhancement: Creating a solid core experience for all devices and gradually enhancing it with additional features for larger screens guarantees a consistent user experience.
  • Cross-browser compatibility: Ensuring that the responsive web design works seamlessly on various browsers and platforms is crucial for reaching a broader audience.

Trends in mobile app and responsive web UI design

  • Microinteractions: Adding small interactive elements, such as animated buttons or subtle haptic feedback, enhances user engagement and creates delightful experiences.
  • Dark mode: Dark mode UI design has gained popularity due to its energy efficiency and appealing aesthetic, providing users with a comfortable viewing experience.
  • Minimalist interfaces: Simplified designs with ample white space and clean typography help focus users' attention on essential elements, reducing cognitive load.
  • Custom illustrations and animations: Unique illustrations and animations bring personality to mobile apps and websites, adding visual interest and enhancing user engagement.
  • Voice user interfaces (VUI): The integration of voice commands and interactions allows users to navigate apps and websites hands-free, providing convenience and accessibility.

By keeping up with these UI design trends for mobile apps and responsive web design, businesses can deliver more user-friendly experiences and stay ahead in an increasingly digital world.

Testing and Measuring UI Design Trends

When it comes to UI design trends, testing and measuring play a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness and success of your designs. By utilizing usability testing, evaluating the effectiveness of UI, and analyzing user feedback and metrics, you can refine and optimize your UI designs for better user experiences.

Importance of Usability Testing in UI Design Trends

Usability testing is an essential step in the UI design process, as it allows you to gather real user feedback and identify any usability issues or pain points within your designs. By observing users interacting with your UI, you can gain valuable insights into their behaviors, preferences, and areas of improvement.

During usability testing, you can conduct tasks and scenarios that simulate real-life user interactions. By analyzing how users navigate through your UI, perform specific actions, and achieve desired outcomes, you can identify any usability obstacles, confusing elements, or areas of friction.

Tools and Techniques to Evaluate the Effectiveness of UI

Several tools and techniques can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your UI designs and measure their impact on user experiences. A few popular tools include:

  • Heatmaps: Heatmaps provide visual representations of where users click or focus their attention the most on your UI. By analyzing heatmaps, you can identify the key areas of interest and optimize those elements for better user engagement.
  • Eye-tracking: Eye-tracking technology enables you to observe and analyze where users' eyes go when they interact with your UI. This information can help you understand visual hierarchy, identify areas of confusion, or validate the effectiveness of certain design elements.
  • A/B testing: A/B testing involves comparing two variations of a UI design to determine which performs better in terms of user engagement, conversions, or desired outcomes. By conducting A/B tests, you can make data-driven decisions and iterate on your designs based on user preferences and behavior.

Analyzing User Feedback and Metrics to Refine UI Designs

Collecting user feedback and analyzing relevant metrics are crucial steps in refining UI designs. By leveraging feedback channels such as user surveys, interviews, or usability testing sessions, you can gather qualitative insights directly from your target users.

In addition to qualitative feedback, it's equally important to track and analyze quantitative metrics, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, or task completion rates. These metrics provide concrete data that can help you understand how users are interacting with your UI and identify any areas for improvement.

By combining both qualitative and quantitative data, you can make informed decisions to refine and optimize your UI designs. Iterative testing and continuous measurement allow you to address any usability issues, validate design decisions, and create more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.

Future Trends and Emerging Technologies

As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, the world of UI design is constantly evolving. Designers are constantly looking for new ways to push the boundaries and create innovative user experiences. In this section, we will explore the future trends and emerging technologies that are shaping the future of UI design.

Exploring new possibilities in UI design trends

UI design trends are constantly evolving, and designers are always on the lookout for new possibilities to enhance user experiences. One of the emerging trends is the use of micro-interactions, which are subtle animations and interactions that provide feedback and improve usability. These microinteractions can greatly enhance the overall user experience and make interactions with the interface more engaging and intuitive.

Another trend that is gaining momentum is the use of voice interfaces. With the rise of virtual assistants like Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri, voice interfaces are becoming more prevalent in our everyday lives. Designers are now incorporating voice UI elements into their designs to create seamless and interactive experiences.

The impact of emerging technologies like VR, AR, and AI

Emerging technologies like Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are revolutionizing the UI design landscape. VR and AR technologies allow designers to create immersive and interactive experiences that go beyond the traditional screen-based interfaces. With VR, users can step into a virtual world and interact with interfaces in a more natural and intuitive way. AR, on the other hand, overlays digital information in the real world, providing users with a mixed reality experience.

AI is also playing a significant role in UI design. With advancements in machine learning and natural language processing, AI-powered design tools are becoming more prevalent. These tools can assist designers in automating repetitive tasks, generating design suggestions, and even predicting user behavior. AI is enabling designers to prototype and iterate designs more efficiently, ultimately improving the overall user experience.

Predictions for the future of UI design

Looking ahead, there are several predictions for the future of UI design. One major prediction is the rise of personalized and adaptive interfaces. As AI continues to advance, designers will be able to create interfaces that adapt and personalize based on each user's unique preferences and needs. This level of customization will greatly improve user satisfaction and engagement.

Another prediction is the increased integration of biometric technology in UI design. Biometric authentication methods like fingerprint scanning and facial recognition are already prevalent in mobile devices, but we can expect to see them incorporated into a wider range of interfaces. This will provide a more secure and convenient way for users to access their digital platforms.

Lastly, the future of UI design will likely see a stronger emphasis on sustainability and ethical design practices. As the world becomes more aware of the environmental and social impact of technology, designers will need to prioritize sustainability and consider the ethical implications of their designs. This includes creating interfaces that are accessible, inclusive, and environmentally friendly.

This new era demands UI designers to focus on connection, personalization, and ongoing learning alongside visual appeal. 

Streamlined navigation, fast-loading pages, and responsive design are now key components for delivering exceptional user experiences across platforms and devices. 

Customization has emerged as a powerful tool, allowing UI designers to engage users on a deeper level and create lasting relationships. Leveraging AI-powered technology and data-driven insights, businesses can deliver personalized services and content. 

As the UI and UX industry continues to evolve, seamless, engaging, and personalized digital interactions remain paramount. Explore the top seven UI/UX trends that will shape the design realm in the coming years.

1. Impressive Illustrations

Illustrations come in many forms—digital, hand-drawn, 2D or 3D, free forms, and unaligned. They have a key role in helping platforms stand out from the rest, creating an inviting environment that provides an attractive experience to users.  

Besides, there’s also the motion design that not only captures the attention of the audience but also reflects what the brand has to offer. An impressively made illustration can give web or mobile apps, a unique personality and a lasting place in the minds of the users. 

An attractive animation can make the users curious, enticing them to scroll further and see what happens next.

Just make sure what you’re using is synonymous with what you’re representing. So, if you want to up your UI game, make sure to change, keeping the conversation rates in mind.

Sometimes, a neat-looking, minimalistic 3D illustration can add wonders to the user experience you deliver!

2. Storytelling with Panache

Storytelling is all about telling great stories to gain the interest of your audience. While typography itself is an apt tool for building a strong visual hierarchy, it is also a crucial element of the UI, playing an important role in delivering a compelling user experience.

Going beyond style, you also need great copywriting to back up the narrative that engages your audience with your brand and makes them a part of the story. This will eventually allow the viewers to get a closer look at your brand message.

3. Artificial Intelligence  

AI integrations have become a norm in UI designing. While we are not considering replacing the designers, we are acknowledging the data-collecting capability of AI-powered solutions that allow us to develop personalized products for customers.

A good example is the use of AI to generate artificial human photographs in Generated Photos. It allows us to create artificial identities on-demand without any copyright issues or infringement claims.

Even Google has integrated AI-driven Smart Reply and Smart Compose in Gmail that has been a huge time saver with well-distinguished response suggestions.

AI allows products to learn more about user behavior and deliver better-personalized user experiences. This results in a higher conversion rate and customer satisfaction.

4. Augmented Reality

Going beyond the UI that remains restricted to screens,  thinking outside the box, and creating interactions that feel like they take place in the real world.

Tech stalwarts like Apple and Google have invested millions in developing their AR development platforms—ARCore and AEKit. Both platforms seamlessly blend the physical and digital worlds, allowing developers to deliver enthralling user experiences.

UI designers can use the following different approaches to integrate AR:

  • Real-world objects with tethered interaction
  • Fixed to screen space
  • Real-world related, surrounding the physical world

5. Virtual Meetings

The world continues to witness the transformative impact of virtual communication channels that were rapidly adopted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Businesses around the world have recognized the long-term benefits of these channels and are now focusing on refining the user experience from a design perspective.

In this new era, the design of virtual communication products takes center stage, aiming to streamline and optimize interactions for users, particularly those facing challenges such as slow or limited internet access. The emphasis is on creating cleaner and lighter designs that prioritize usability and accessibility.

Software solution providers like RingCentral have already developed a Slack integration that can be used to make direct calls from the business communication platform. These integrations provide seamless and convenient ways for users to connect and collaborate within their preferred digital workspaces.

In the years ahead, the design of virtual communication platforms will continue to evolve, catering to the changing needs of users in a digitally connected world. The integration of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence and augmented reality may further enhance the virtual communication experience, enabling more immersive and efficient interactions.

6. Usability

Google's user experience metrics for loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability drive the focus on delivering seamless interactions, swift loading times, engaging interactivity, and consistent visual experiences, ensuring exceptional user experiences. These metrics are collectively called Core Web Vitals.

Usability is also one of the main reasons for shifting the UI design focus from an attractive visual appearance to a more intuitive and user-friendly design. It has given the privilege to designers to show how a brand is unique and how it stands out from the rest.

To identify usability flaws in your product and enhance its performance, you can do a little usability testing to understand the needs and motivations of your actual users.

Designers need to implement new designs with accessibility in mind and be responsive to the use of UI elements that blend attractiveness with utility.

7. Glassmorphism

Glassmorphism goes a long way back to Windows Vista with the frosted glass effect on the taskbar and other Start Menu items.

The style is back and is getting immense popularity, with the following most defining characteristics:

  • Transparency
  • Multi-layered approach
  • Vivid colors
  • Subtle and light border on translucent objects

With the ability to see through the elements, users can create a hierarchy and depth of the interface, enabling them to easily differentiate between the layers.

Some Additional UI Design Trends

Apart from the seven UI design trends we have already mentioned, here are some additional trends to enhance your web and mobile UI:

Soft Gradients

The era of flashy and bright gradients is gone, as designers have already transitioned into using low-key gradients with subtle designs. The newer designs use soft gradients to give the image volume and depth while only using sensible colors.

Emoji Designs

Emojis help you convey more by saying less. The same goes for UI design, where adding emojis reflects the emotional component of the design and makes the user experience more engaging and enjoyable. Interestingly, this trend is not only present in social applications but also in serious business apps like finance, banking, and eCommerce.


To make your designs more delightful, you can add micro-interactions to the visual elements as well as with the user’s action triggers. This will add value from an ROI perspective and help generate positive word-of-mouth for the brand.

Wrapping Up

Organizations that use the latest UI trends get the benefit of making their websites and products more delightful and streamlined for users. This boosts customer experience and increases conversions.

Importantly, there is a sensitive balance between being trendy and delivering an enthralling customer experience. This is where smart research and testing sets apart the winners.

With Growth Natives, you get a smart team of designers, developers, and analysts who strive to create friendly, intuitive, and delightful experiences. Our proprietary innovative and investigative methods help you create a personalized product for your customers—understanding their habits, needs, interests, and challenges. Connect with us now. Write to us at, and we will get back to you.

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